HI Guys,
Now,I am tooking about Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was the President of Bangladesh.
Sheikh Mujib was a young student leader in the early stages of East Pakistani politics after the partition of India in 1947. He later became the president of the Awami League. As an advocate of socialism, he formed a movement against all forms of discrimination against the people of East Pakistan at that time. In order to establish the rights of the people, he proposed a six-point plan of autonomy which was declared a separatist plan by the then government of Pakistan.Chief among the six-point demands was provincial autonomy which made him one of the opponents of Ayub Khan's military rule.
He declared one-party politics in 1975 to quell growing political instability. Seven months later, on August 15, 1975, he and his family were killed by a group of military officers. According to a 2004 survey conducted by the BBC, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was called "the greatest Bengali of all time".
Good article