Experience increases the likelihood of exchange

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3 years ago

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1974 in New York, USA. He started the social networking website Facebook when he was only 20 years old. Although he was admitted to Harvard University, he could not finish his studies. Zuckerberg's name is on the list of successful people under the age of 30 announced by Forbes magazine (2011).

With Facebook, our goal was to make the world more open, more connected. The thing is, when a person is connected with all the people around him and the whole process is set up in such a way that they can share all the thoughts of their minds, new thoughts in their eyes with loved ones or important people. As a result, innumerable new possibilities are opened. People will learn new things, new events happening around them, new technology, new songs, movies — everything will be discussed. When people share information with each other, a huge possibility will start. So a big part of our Facebook mission was how we can connect people from different parts of the world. It is a matter of pride for us that more than 600 million people are now using Facebook. This number is increasing every month. If you think about it seven years ago, when we started — then we can't imagine today's position.

The funny thing is, when I was in college, we used to talk about these things with friends. We ate pizza every night and talked about things happening around us. I used to discuss the future of internet. We thought that in the future there might be something that would allow people to communicate with people close to them, which would be like a social network. We thought that new technology would come to build such a network. Surprisingly, we ourselves have been able to make a huge contribution to the creation of that social communication network.

All human beings have an inherent desire to express themselves. All the time. It can be said that it is one of the characteristics of human beings. You must care about what is happening in the lives of your friends or loved ones or the things around your loved one, don't you? People you care about or don't care about are somehow bound to your social circle. You didn't know much about them before Facebook came along. Think about how easy social communication has become in the last five years. Now it is important to know what you are trying to understand. Seeing new songs, new good movies; You also get to know what your friends see. All in all, your own way of life is changing. These services will change even more in the days to come, I am thrilled to think about how much this service will improve in five years.

I think the matter of human social relations varies from person to person. No fixed number can be said here. We're building our features so that you can keep in touch with the small groups you want to connect with. Between 30 and 400 million people use Facebook at least once a month to communicate with some of their friends. And now we are giving ways to share certain things with everyone. We are trying to meet all kinds of needs. Many of my friends' younger siblings are now in high school or university. My first advice to them is to try to learn programming. I think in the future, not only engineers, but almost all professions will need some or some programming knowledge. When I was in school, the salary of a computer engineer has gone up by more than 50 percent. In some cases, it has doubled. The nature of the economy is changing and technology and software companies are the fastest growing.

It is worth mentioning two things in the story of the beginning of Facebook. I had no big plans for it. I didn't have much money. I literally sat in my dormitory room and wrote the Facebook code. Facebook started its journey from there. I rented a server for only ড 75 and I paid for it from an ad. The whole thing starts with a very small thought. Then slowly it has grown. So I would say, two things are very important. First, to create skilled engineers who can put their ideas into action. And second, to give them enough freedom to shape those thoughts. Traditionally, the United States has been very good on both sides. This country has taken the lead in education and encouraged and given freedom to take risks.

Have you ever thought that whatever you do every day, some of the work can be done with more joy, better, when you do it with someone else? Certainly not all, but many do. We think Facebook can play a role in this very place. It's a place where you can see what your friends around you are doing. This is how we build Facebook.

The important thing about Facebook is that we know the information about the customers that they want to share. Most people don't want to share everything, but if they are given the control that they can only share with their friends, or with family, or with very specific people, they do.

People have a certain stream of learning. When social media first started, some people disseminated very little information in a much broader format. I think this is one of the reasons for the popularity of Facebook. Facebook's 'privacy option' is now being used by everyone and Facebook is the first company to introduce such privacy, so that you can share some things with friends only or share your holiday photos only with your family members.

But the behavior of Facebook users is also changing with time. What we started on a small scale at Harvard is now used by more than 600 million people. There are many of them who only use Facebook on their computer, they are not very skilled in computer operation. It is very difficult for such people to understand the method of privacy control. So over the years we've arranged it in such a way that the privacy of whatever you share can be fixed right there. If you open it to everyone, there's a globe with the word 'public' written on it, and if you share it with a few people, it has the word 'friends' written on it. And with just one click you can change this option at any time for any post.

I think the more people you can share the experience of working and learning, the better your level of learning will be. I think this is always true. I do everything I can to keep Facebook running and keep my lifestyle as simple as possible. A brief excerpt from an interview with Charlie Rose on November 8, 2011.

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3 years ago


You're really amazing writer.

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3 years ago

Wow,,,that's good airticle thanks for share this sir

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1974 in New York, USA. He started the social networking website Facebook when he was only 20 years old. Although he was admitted to Harvard University, he could not finish his studies. Zuckerberg's name is on the list of successful people under the age of 30 announced by Forbes magazine (2011).

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3 years ago

Thanks dear

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3 years ago


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3 years ago