Want to Make Money on Youtube: Understand How Youtube Works

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Video Making is an easy way to make money. If you know how to create good videos, you can make money from multiple platforms, for example, you can make money from facebook, Tiktok, instagram, youtube, twitch TV, etc. You can also offer your video making and video editing services and make additional income. In my opinion, Tiktok, youtube, facebook, and Instagram apps are the best money making apps on play store and app store. You can start publishing short videos and make money., Creating short videos from these apps is not very difficult.You don't need money to start on youtube, and you can earn a lot of passive money from youtube. However, in order to build a passive income on youtube you need video making skills as well as SEO and digital marketing skills.

Skills Needed for Video Making

When I decided to work online, my first choice was video content creation. However, I did not have any skills in video content creation, therefore, I started offering web and app development and design services. Nevertheless, my desire for video content creation did not die. Thus, I also started building content on youtube, tiktok, facebook and instagram. With limited skills (amateur skills) it is really difficult to succeed, therefore, I am thinking to learn video editing. If you want to do video editing, the first thing you need to do is learn adobe premiere, or other similar video editing software. If you don't have skills with video editing software, there is no way you can succeed as a video content creator. You also need animation skills because you need to do a lot of animations while editing videos. There are easy-to-use programs that make jobs easier but these programs are incomplete.

In order to become a video content creator, you don’t really have to shoot yourself, but you need to understand this, at one point, you will have to appear in the camera and talk to your audience in order to grow your audience and get more views. You might have to show yourself even when you are live streaming games or screen capturing for a tutorial video. If you are camera shy it is quite difficult to grow big on youtube. If you check the biggest YouTubers, you will see most of them are showing themselves. First of all, you need to develop communicative skills, you need to have the skills to talk fluently. Secondly, you need to be confident enough to stand in front of the camera. If you cannot face a camera, you do not have any chance of excelling on youtube. Even though the technology allows you to shoot yourself, you need an assistant.

Why YouYube is a Better Video Sharing Platform

With the evolution of TikTok and popularity of Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels, a lot of people are saying that if you want to make money you should move to newer platforms because these platforms pay better. However, that’s not the case. I will explain why?

When you publish on TikTok and Reels, can you go back to edit your videos so that you can improve the performance? No way! However, on youtube you can edit your past videos and improve your video performance. This will help you continuously make money from your past videos.

On youtube, you can optimize your videos for better performance, which is not possible on other platforms. You can improve your videos you posted 10 years ago by making a few changes such as changing thumbnail, changing title and tags, etc.

The best thing about youtube is adsnese earning, earning from ads is yet to come to tiktok even though they have announced it.

Youtube has $100 million in its creators' funds, whereas Tiktok has $70 million. Youtube has an ad-based monetization feature, TikTok is also trying to roll out this feature but it is not yet available. You can enable git options on your videos to make money on Tiktok but there are criteria to fulfill. Therefore, you have a high chance of making money on youtube compared to tiktok. Tiktok is just an entertainment-based platform, people don't go to tiktok to lern something new, they go to have fun. but youtube is a platform for entertainment, information, as well as education. Therefore, youtube has more value compared to tiktok. Even though toktok pioneered short video formats. youtube shorts is so very popular and content creators can earn from their short videos without adsense approval and without any followers. The only think that tiktok has which is not available on youtube is the gift option.

Monetizing Youtube Channel

Before youtube made a rule of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, all you needed was 10k views on your videos to get monetized. However, in order to stop low-quality content from getting monetized on youtube, youtube made a rule of 1000 subs and 4000 hours of watch time. If you are a good content creator, it is perfectly achievable in less than 6 months. If you are just starting out, you will have zero subscribers and just 5-10 views for many days unless you ask your friends and family to subscribe your channel and watch videos. A new content creator does not get easily pushed up in the algorithm. However, if you consistently publish videos, and follow common SEO practices, you might be able to build subscribers and views quickly. The first requirement to reach monetization threshold is to create videos that people find interesting, and the second requirement is you publish regularly.

You need 10 million views in 90 days on your youtube short videos to monetize, which again is achievable if you create good content.

Choosing Profitable Niche for Youtube Channel

I watch personal finance videos on youtube. I think this is a profitable niche if you know how to do it correctly. First and foremost, you need to stand out from the crowd. You can do this by making your channel unique. When I say making a channel unique, you need to offer content no other channel is offering. If you are offering the same thing that a lot of channels are offering, you will not be able to build subscribers and views. When it comes to offering visuals on videos a lot of video creators start using stock footage. While it might be easy to make videos from this stock footage it does not offer novelty in the videos. You need to create unique videos. If you can't show yourself and if you can't take to the camera, I do not think vlogging is for you. Your video should offer unique perspective.

Making Money on YouTube: Understanding Youtube Algorithm

In order to succeed on youtube, you need to understand how the youtube algorithm actually works.

Youtube is not trying to find viewers for your videos. Instead, it will show videos based on the topics the viewers are interested in. This is how youtube algorithm works. Therefore, if you are not tapping into the idea that people are trying to see on youtube, you will not get views. You need to understand how large the audience for your chosen niche for the content is.

Another major thing to know about youtube algorithm is the frequency of video uploads. Youtube puts content creators on the fronts that are more frequent with their content creation. If you were publishing every week and if you do not post for several weeks, you will see your views will drastically go down.

One of the most important lessons you need to understand about youtube is the volume of content you create. You need to create a lot of content and of course, you need to create in regular intervals (frequency).

Understanding Youtube Traffic

Before you start your youtube journey, you need to understand a couple of things about youtube. For example, you need to understand different types of traffic on youtube and how you can build traffic through these sources. You also need to understand, how the youtube algorithm actually works. When you understand youtube traffic and the youtube algorithm, you building views on your videos and generating revenue will become easier. In order to earn revenue, you need to be very consistent about content creation. You need to regularly create videos and publish videos. Even though the major income on youtube comes from your regular videos, you shouldn’t undermine the earning potential from youtube shorts. On youtube, you will basically earn from ad impressions. If your video shows one ad, it is one impression, and if you have 1000 impressions, you will be paid a certain amount based on the advertisers’ budget and the location of viewers.

How to Improve View Duration on Your Videos

One of the major issues with youtubers is related to view duration, especially the new youtubers. Higher view duration means more money because there will be more ad impression. When it comes to earning on youtube, your earning will be depended on CPM, which is actually the rate per 1000 views. This rate is determined by topic, viewers’ location and view duration. Having higher view duration also means your videos are being pushed up in the algorithm.

One of the simple strategies to improve view duration is by adding trailers and teasers of your video at the beginning. By adding trailers at the beginning, viewers will know what the video is all about, as the trailer will show three acts of your entire video the beginning, middle and the end of your video. Teasers on the other hand show the intense action of your video. By using the best part of your video at the beginning, you can create interest in people to continue watching your video.

If you have 10 minutes videos where youtube runs ads twice, once at 1 minute time stamp and another at 8th minute, and if people watched only for 45 seconds, you will not have any ad impression, if they watched 2 minutes, there will be one ad impression, and if they watched until the end, there will be two impressions, therefore more people watching your video means more money.

When they say quality matters over quantity, they are not saying it without any valid reasons. Having a few good videos on your channel is far better than having a lot of bad videos. When you are focusing on quantity, you will also produce low-quality content (because you will be more focused on producing more videos than researching the video content or producing high-quality videos). If you are producing good quality videos (in terms of content and technical quality), and still not getting views, you will have to see what mistakes you are doing. In most cases, people are doing silly mistakes that are stopping their channel to explode. You also need to check your youtube analytics data to understand traffic on your videos, once you know your traffic, you can focus more on working on your mistakes and strengthening your strengths. Focus on giving best experience to your viewers.

Becoming Youtube Millionaire

Youtube millionaire? This sounds very good to the ears, however, it s really difficult to reach there. You need millions of subscribers, and millions of views to be able to make a lot of money. I am being realistic here. I don't think I will become a youtube millionaire, however, I believe if I work hard and build at least 10k subscribers and get 10k daily views, I might be able to make about $1000 per month, which will be enough to pay for my necessities. However, becoming successful on youtube requires building general interest content and publishing videos regularly. You also need to be very good at video making. Becoming successful on youtube means having different kinds of skills such as video making, SEO, and digital marketing. Internal ranking (ranking on youtube search) and external ranking (ranking on google) are both very important to generate organic views on your videos.

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1 month ago


Janae Jean, this is one of the most interesting topics for me. I love listening to music. I especially like the classics. And recently the idea came to my mind to create my own YouTube channel. I have a question for you: Have you heard about this source promosoundgroup.net ? I'm talking about this now because YouTube promotion is very important. So, on this platform I bought likes, comments, followers and even views. This really helped me take a significant step forward and reach my target audience.

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