Tips to Make Guaranteed Income Through Blogging

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You don't make money from blogging just for starting a blog. You will have to run ads (network ads, affiliate ads) sell ad space, sell products and services, publish sponsored posts, offer guest posting services, etc. to make money from your blog. Just because you are running ads does not mean your blog will start generating revenue, just because you have a blog does not mean businesses and individuals will start buying your ad space or offer sponsorship, your blog needs to generate a substantial amount of traffic before you can earn from any method you are using for blog monetization. If you want to blog and if you want to generate income, you should know how you can bring traffic. You need to have skills to bring traffic. Traffic can be three types, organic, referral, and direct, you should know how you can bring these different kinds of traffic on your blog.

Building Traffic on Your Blog

In order to become your blog profitable for you, your blog needs a lot of traffic, think in terms of thousands of daily visitsts. How long your blog will take to become profitable depends on how long it takes for you to build thousands of daily traffic. In order to build traffic, you need to do SEO. When you do SEO and if your blog and blog posts managed to rank high on search engine result page (let's say your blog posts appear on the top 10 results) and when your blog has ranked for high traffic keywords (for example a keyword that gets 100k-200k monthly search hits, you are likely to get substantial traffic. If you have a social page with a huge following, let's say 100k-200K, you can also build a huge traffic. If you have in this two fronts, your blog will not generate traffic and there will be no revenue.

Making money from your blog depends on how much traffic your blog is pulling. If you are receiving a lot of traffic, you can earn through different ways, such as network ads (adsense, infolinks), affiliate ads (Amazon, Clickbank, etc.), selling ad space via buy sell ads, sponsorship, selling products, webinars, selling courses, ebooks, etc. You can even use your blog to sell print-on-demand products or dropshipping. Whether you can make money from your blog or not depends primarily on your blog traffic. Your traffic depends on a couple of things such as subscribers, search engine ranking and social media promotion. If your blog ranks well for a couple of high-traffic keywords, you can expect a lot of traffic. Search traffic is very good for blog earning as search traffic has a high conversion rate. Referral traffic, the traffic from social media, is also good for blog earning. You also need good engagements.

Why Your Blog is Not Generating Traffic?

If you are a blogger and if your blog is not generating traffic, here are the potential reasons, and the possible solutions for solving traffic issue.

SEO: If you have not done SEO or if your SEO implementation is poor, you will not receive traffic from search engines. In order to receive organic traffic, your blog and blog posts need to rank high on

search results.

Social Media Marketing: Social media sites are one of the main sources of traffic, however, if you have not promoted your blog on social media, you will not receive traffic. Even if you are promoting on social sites but your pages and accounts do not have audience, you will not receive traffic. Therefore, you need to fist build audience and the start promoting.

Newsletters: You published new article, how would people know about your article? Not sending newsletters is another reason for not having traffic. You need to build an email list and the start sending newsletters regularly.

Blogging For Money

You can blog about anything but you cannot make money by blogging about anything. if you want to use adsnese to make money from your blog, there are certain topics that adsense does not approve. Even if you are blogging about topics approved by adsense not all topics will make you money. in order to make money by blogging you need to blog on topics that have the potential to make a lot of money. the topics that can make a lot of money are the topics that are extensively searched online and the topics that the advertisers offer a lot of money for advertising. in order to find out the topics that have the potential to make a lot of money, you will have to use a seo tool and check keywords and make a note of traffic the keywords are receiving and the advertising rate the keywords are attracting.

 You might be tempted to blog because you have heard so many good things including passive income. You will understand how difficult it is to blog for money only when you start blogging. If you want to make money online, try something other than blogging. You should blog only if you enjoy writing and want to build readers. Well, you might be able to make money from your blog; nevertheless, it is really hard work, and it takes a lot of time. If money is your primary concern, consider youtube, which can be started for free. You need money to create a blog (domain and hosting). You might also try selling print-on-demand products or drop ship, or even freelance for money. Don't ever think about making money from your blog unless you start receiving 2000-3000 daily visitors to your blog. Getting that kind of visitors is not possible for a lot of bloggers.

Can you make money through blogging? Theoretically speaking, you can make money through blogging, and you can make a lot of money from your blog, and this is completely a passive income source. Practically speaking, you cannot make money through blogging, and even if you managed to make money from your blog, it will be so little that you will be discouraged to discontinue blogging. Blogging, in fact, is not a completely passive income method, you will have to work really hard to build content, and do SEO and digital marketing, in order to build traffic and revenue. I am a blogger. What advice can I give to people who want to blog? I will tell them that if they want to blog for money, never start blogging, instead do something else that can make them more money. However, if you are a writer and if you want to build readership, or if you want to establish your authority in your niche, start blogging.

Monetizing Blog With Adsense: Is Adsense the Best Ad Network For a Blog?

Adsense has been around since 2003 and for almost 20 years, it has dominated the ad market for publishers. Do you know why?

Adsense does not have any traffic criteria: You can get approval from adsense even with zero traffic. You need traffic to earn, though. Most of adsense alternatives have a tough traffic requirement.

Adsense has simple rules: In the beginning, adsense approval criteria was really simple. Even today, it does not have tough rules to follow. All you need is original content and good quality content on family friendly topics.

You can earn from traffic from any location: For a lot of ad networks, you need traffic specifically from the US, Canada and some European country. However, with adsense you can earn from traffic originating from any location.

Adsese offer higher rates: If you compare all ad networks, you will find that adsnese offers better rate, you might even earn $10-$20 from a single click.

Which is the Easiest Ad Network tom Make Money From Your Blog

I have been blogging for more than 3 years and I have tried a lot of monetization options, from adsense to amazon affiliate ads, clickbanks, infolinks,, adhitz, etc. You can earn from all of these ad networks, however, in order to earn you need engagements on your ads, engagements on ads do not come easily. For instance, in order to earn from adsense, you need clicks, in order to earn from amazon, the products need to be purchased. Things like these do not happen easily.

Generally speaking, if you are using PPC ads, it is difficult to earn. However, it is easier to earn with CM ads, you can earn even with just 100 visits and no engagement.

In my experience, A-Ads is the easiest ad network to make money. They pay you via Bitcoin and if you integrate faucet pay payment system, A-Ads will send you payment every day. They don’t have withdrawal threshold, they will even pay 1 cent.

Google Adsese is undoubtedly the best advertising network, but if most of your traffic is Asian or African, you might not earn well through Adsense. Therefore, you might have to use other ad network that offer better pay rate for the traffic in low tier country.

Adsaro ( is the ad network that I can suggest you if you have Asian traffic (India, Pakistan Bangladesh, etc.)

This ad network has a low minimum payout of $10, they process payment in less than 24 hours (even though they say payment can take up to 10 days). They offer multiple withdrawal methods like PayPal, Wire Transfer,  Skrill, Payoneer, Webmoney, Epayments, Paxum, etc.

Pros: You can set your own minimum CPM rate.

Cons: Your accounts need to be manually approved by the admin.


If you submitted good website while signing up as a publisher, you will be approved. If your websites receive good traffic, you can earn well from the website. 

Four Ways to Make Guaranteed Income From Your Blog

I have been blogging for over two years, I am far from making $1000 per month from let alone making $20,000 per month. To tell the truth, I do not know anyone making $20K per month through his or her blog.

In theory, there is no limit on how much you can make from your blog. I hear that an online version of the newspaper in my home country makes $1500 per day, which is $45,000 per month (I heard this from the insider). It might be possible for a prestigious newspaper to make $45,000 per month from the website but for indie blogger that is not possible.

Even though you frequently hear from people that blogging is one of the best ways to make money online, when you try blogging yourself, you will find that it is really difficult to make money through blogging. in order to blog, you need skills in multi-discipline You need writing skills, web designing skills, SEO skills, and digital marketing skills. The most important aspect of blogging is building traffic. If you don't have traffic, you cannot generate revenue. if you want to earn you need thousands of daily traffic. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to build traffc on your blog. It might take years before you can actually make money from your blog. One of the easiest wats to build traffic on your blog is by sharing on social media, however, in order to build social traffiic, you need a huge following on your social pages.

If you have managed to build moderate amount of traffic, here are three ways to make guaranteed income from your blog

Facebook Instant Article

If you have a blog and if you are not earning from your blog, Facebook Instant Article might be the best option to make money from your blog. The requirement is to have at least 10,000 followers before submitting your facebook page. When your application is approved, Facebook will place ads on your blog post, and you will earn money from ad impressions.

Paypal/Crypto Donation

Even though there are a lot of ways to monetize your blog, it is very difficult to make money through methods because you need tons of traffic. However, there is a way to make money from your blog even when you do not have a lot of traffic. For example, you can use donation based monetization. Add paypal/crypto donation box on your blog. People who come to your site and like what you have offered might consider donating to you. If you reach out to friends and family, you might be able to collect good amount.

Premium content

Instead of offering free content, you can charge a small reading fee. Even though most people do not like paying for content, there are people who are actually willing to pay for good content and ad free experience.


Go to Go Fund me, and create a crowdfunding campaign for your blog. Ask people to donate to you so that you can pay for your blog running cost as well as help you generate revenue from your blog so that you can continue to create content and offer for free. If you are unable to get donations for your campaign, offer something of value to the donors. It could be an ebook, a digital course, or any digital product. When people see that you have a genuine cause, they will donate to your campaign. By doing this you will be able to build a sizeable funds. With this fund you can maintain your blog until you start making money.

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