Pinterest for Marketing

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Social media thrives on user generated content, therefore, if you want to become successful on social media, you will have to build your skills in creating social media content. You can create different kinds of content for social media for example, text, images, videos, etc. but visual content like images and videos gain better traction compared to just text therefore, you will have to create and share useful and interesting videos. You will also have to run ads. However, the best thing about Pinterest is you don't create content, you just share content you created elsewhere.

How Can Content Creators Benefit From Pinterest

If you are a content creator, you need to use Pinterest to promote and market your content. Pinterest is not just a marketing platform, it is content discovery platform, which means when someone shares content on Pinterest, Pinterest will improve visibility of the content by placing it in front of its users. When users discover content, they will check the link and view your content. No matter what kind of content you produce, bet it an online article or blog post, ebook, images and graphics, or videos, you can use Pinterest to improve visibility of your content. By the way, do you use Pinterest to improve visibility?

Making Money on Social Media, Including Pinterest

Social media is one of the best platforms to make money from home. You can use any social media of your choice and you can still make money. For example, you can earn from videos on tiktok and youtube. On facebook and instagrm you can earn from videos, or by selling products through should. On Pinterest, you can sell through affiliate marketing, dropshipping or print-on-demand. However, in order to earn from social media, you need big audience. Not just a couple of thousands but hundreds of thousands.

Pinterest For Marketing

Pinterest is a great marketing platform. If you're not using it yet, it's time to start using Pinterest to market your business. In case you  already have an account but it is dormant , it is time that you start becoming active and grow your followers. Compared to most social media platforms, a lot of people use pinterest for product ideas thus the conversion rate on Pinterest is high. Pinterest is content discovery platform, so you can start promoting your products and services so that people can find them and buy them. Since Pinterest is a visual platform, generating sales can become really easy.

First and foremost you need to see if your target customers matches with the pinterest active users. In other words you need to see if your potential customers are active or not. You will benefit from marketing, only when you have your potential customers on Pinterest. let's say your potential customers are active on Pinterest, how do you market? Well, you need to create a business page, use your business name and business logo, then start pinning images and videos

How to Use Pinterest For Traffic

If you are running a blog, a forum or any kind of website and you are not getting traffic, you should consider using Pinterest for traffic. In order to use Pinterest for traffic, you will have to remember a couple of things such as: use vertical images (because Pinterest is basically designed for mobile devices), use high quality images (because Pinterest is basically pin board style platform, and use proper title and description and also add a link. To make most from pinterest you will have to use multiple images onm your content and pin every image you have shared in your content.

Pinterest Vs. Other Social Media Platforms

Pinterest might not be as popular as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, or even Twitter but it is certainly one of the widely uses social media platform. Pinterest is not just a social networking platform, it is actually a content discovery platform, by sharing content on Pinterest you will improve visibility of your content. Your pins can appear on searches, especially image searches, if you have done proper SEO on your Pins. Pinterest is a great platform to share visual content like images and videos. Interestingly, you can also share blog posts if you have used feature images. Pinning your web content builds visibility of your content on search engines, which is not the case with other social sites.

How to Build a Business on Pinterest

Yes, that’s true, you can actually use Pinterest to create your online business. Pinterest is not just a marketing platform, it can also be used for business. How do you do it? Here are three businesses you can start on Pinterest.

Print-On-Demand Business: You can create a print onm demand business on Pinterest. You can pint your product image and share link. This can be done without any costs.

Dropshipping: You can also do dropshipping without having to build a store, do SEO, or run ads. If you have a large following, you can easily generate sales.

Affiliate Marketing: Pinterest's massive internal traffic and high conversion rates make it easier to generate affiliate sales.

Using "Made for Pinterest" Image

Pinterest is basically a pin board. In order to use the site, you will have to pin images and share links in the description. While the image is hosted on the site, the link will take you to the connected site. Since Pinterest is a Pinboard, the main attraction of the site is the Pin you create. That is true even for the videos you share on the platform. Made for Pinterest refers to the images that are specifically designed for Pinterest, these images are high quality, contain information, a sales pitch, a product or service copy, etc. You can't get traction on Pinterest just by pinning an image, you need to create specific images to encourage users to click the link. Even when you are sharing a blog link that can load the feature image as your pinned image, you are required to design an image specifically for this pin. When I say you are required, I don't mean that it is a mandatory rule, what I mean is that's how the Pinterest platform works. It is different from Instagram even though both platforms emphasize on photo sharing.

What Kind of Images Work Better on Pinterest

I use Pinterest, I have verified my website with Pinterest. I use multiple images on my articles and I pin every image on my articles. Pinterest can drive you a lot of traffic if your pins are aesthetically pleasing. However just because you have good images does not mean you will be able to get a lot of conversions, you also need to be very careful about the kind of content you are sharing.

Based on what title you have given or what kind of images you have pinned, pinterest users much check your pin but they will click n your pin only when they find the content useful. You need to give a unique description to your pins to gain conversion. Conversion only when you have shared useful and interesting content.

I have seen vertical images work best for Pinterest because these are the appropriate dimensions for smartphone users. However, for web users, even landscape images work because they have bigger screen and can sell all sorts of images at once. Your images must be high quality and you need to avoid pinning the kind of images that have been already pinned. Pinterest desires original and new pins for pushing up in their algorithm.

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