Making Money Online on a Consistent Basis

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What is the most important thing to become financially secure? Money, right? Money is very important thing in life. Even though you frequently hear money cannot buy you happiness, you can actually buy happiness with money. You need financial stability in life to become happy, you need money to live a comfortable life and become happy. That’s why you need to make money on a consistent basis. Money is vital for sustaining life's necessities—food, shelter, and more. Without money, one would lack the basics necessities. Building income based on your skills and knowledge is a gradual process, promising long-term benefits and a more secure future. Here are some money making ideas

Making Money By Teaching How to Make Money

Yes, there is a lot of money to be made by teaching how to make money. However, if you want to actually teach how to make money, you should have the knowledge and expertise in that field, and you should be already using that method to make money. I can teach you how to make money from your blog in 3 months because I am a blogger and I make money from my blog, I can share the methods that have worked for me. I can also teach how to make money on Etsy or Redbubble because I am making money on these ecommerce marketplaces. Sadly, a lot of people are trying to teach something that they have never tried themselves, they are only interested in selling "fake tutorial" Yes, you can make a lot of money by selling courses on how to make money but before you start building your course, make sure you know everything about it.

How to Make a Lot of Money By Selling One Single Product

Go to Google Trends and find out what products people are searching online. Visit various ecommerce platforms and check what product people are buying (there are tools that can help you find high selling products on ecommerce marketplaces). You will have to make a note of things like how much average price the product is selling for, how many daily, weekly, or monthly sales the product has, where the buyers are located, etc.

Now, go to Alibaba and look for the same product. Purchase the product in bulk. When you buy the product in bulk, you get two benefits, one, the price will be very cheap, two, you can use your own brand on the product. Order the product and get it shipped to your location. Sometimes when you order in bulk, you also get free shipping.

Now, start selling these products on ebay or Amazon (I recommend Amazon because of better branding).

Generally speaking, the profit margin is at least 50 percent.

Make Money With TikTok, YOutube Shorts and Reels

TikTok is undoubtedly the most popular short video sharing platform, however, TikTok is not the best platform to make money from your short videos. That’s because TikTok has a comparatively small Creators’ Fund, participation on Creators’ Fund is not available on many countries, monetization requirement is very high, and partnership program is not available in many countries. Still, it is one of the best platforms to become an influencer It is relatively easy to become popular on TikTok compared to other platforms.

Here are 3 popular TikTok niches

Pet: Create an account of your pet (any pet), make videos showing your pets, their cute antics, their funny fails, etc. You can easily sell pet items and make money.

Conspiracy theory: People like to hear about conspiracy, if you don’t believe me trying making a video on why moon landing is fake.

Mystery: Mysteries, especially ancient mysteries are extremely topics on social media. You can make videos like “How Cleopatra dated three men.”

How to Make Money Through Royalties

Royalty is one of the best ways to generate passive income. You can earn royalties from the music you make, podcast you make, or ebook you publish.

If you are a musician, create music and publish on platforms like iTunes, Spotify, etc. Every time someone purchases your music, you earn royalties. You will earn as long as someone buys your music.

If you do not have a talent for music, you can create podcasts. If you are a good talker, you can make podcasts and publish on various platforms like iTines or Spotify. If you are not confident in talking, use text-to-speech program to create podcasts.

eBooks are another ways to make money through royalties. Writing and publish ebooks on KDP, Barnes and Nobles, Smashwords, etc. You will earn royalties as long as someone is paying for your ebooks. If you do not have skills to write ebooks, you can easily hire someone on fiverr or upwork to crete ebooks for you. 

The Business of Reselling

Do you know what is the easiest business and also least risky business is? Well, it is the business of reselling. When you manufacture products, you need to make significant investment in product development, manufacturing, and even marketing. However, when you buy products to sell them, you do not have to bother with product development and manufacturing. You do not even have to do the branding as the product is already popular among buyers. All you need to understand is the demand and supply, analyze competitors, and market well to reach customers. You need to see whether the product is in demand or not and whether there are already a lot of sellers or not.

How to Use Facebook Marketplace?

Do you have some skills like gardening, house cleaning? Do you provide services like moving things, house painting? Do you have unused items that you want to clear out? Well, Facebook Marketplace is the platform for you. It is a free platform where you can sell anything as long as your local laws and Facebook’s terms and conditions allow. Facebook marketplace is for selling locally. If you are in the United States, you cannot sell to Africa through Facebook Marketplace, but if you live in New York, you can sell your items in the local neighbourhood.

Selling Used Items Through Facebook

Selling used items can be surprisingly profitable. There are a lot of platforms where you can sell your used items, some of the popular options are eBay, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace, etc. If you ask me what is the best platform to use used item and which platform is easier to sell used item, I will say it it Facebook Marketplace. Based on my experience, I can say Facebook Marketplace is ideal for selling used items locally, with no listing or sales commissions. For a wider market, explore established platforms like eBay or Mercari, but selling in the local market is best with Facebook. Remember, attractive photos and detailed descriptions are key to catching buyers' eyes.

How to Start a Webinar and Make Money

Starting a webinar can be an interesting way to make money. You can create a paid webinar and make money from subscriptions, you can create a free webinars and use your free webinar to sell products and services, or create a free webinar and make money form sponsorships and ad based monetization. However, creating a webinar involves key decisions. Firstly, determine the content you want to broadcast, then choose between recorded or live broadcasts. Thirdly, select the platform for your webinar. Once these decisions are made, create and broadcast content on the chosen platform. For your webinar to become successful you need participants. You can run ads to build subscriber base.

​Making Money on Social Media

When I first joined social media, I wasn't thinking about promoting my business or earning money. But as I spent more time on these platforms, I realized that they could be used for more than just sharing photos and videos or checking someone else’s content. I started by sharing my blog posts, then moved on to promoting products. Nowadays, I not only earn money directly from social media but also use it to boost sales for my online stores. Social media can be really useful if you know how to use it right. If you are spending a lot of time on social media, try to monetize your activities. You can make money on social media through multiple methods, some of the common methods include:

Content monetization: Most social media platforms offer content monetization, my meeting certain requirements of the social media platforms, you can monetize your content. For instance, you can monetize your Reels with stars.

Sponsorship: If you have a lot of followers and get a lot of engagements, this is another option to make money from social media.

Selling products: You also also sell your own products through social media platforms to make money. One of the best things to sell on tiktok is amazon affiliate products. there is a trending hashtag on tiktok you can use this hash tag to reach people who are interested in buying amazon products. You can just create product videos and then share your affiliate link with #amazonfind hash tags. This method can be done by anyone and if you are sharing interesting products, you will certainly generate sales. If you are a creator with a huge fan following you can also sell your marketing services

Making Money as a Storyteller

Do you have stories to tell, can you tell your stories, well you can make money online. It does not matter what medium you use to tell your stories, you can still make money. You can make money by writing and publishing stories, you can make money by  recording your stories and publishing them as podcasts, and you can make a videos of your stories and publish on multiple platforms to make money. Writing stories can be easy making videos can be little complicated. However, there is nothing that cannot be learned. If you do not have your own stories to tell, you can tell someone’s story and share online to make money.

How to Sell on eBay Easily?

If you want to start selling on eBay, one of the easiest ways to sell is by listing a product that you are no longer using. Well, selling your own unused or old items can get you started, but you can not rely on that forever, eventually, you will need to buy or create products to sell, which means you need to spend. Apart from spending on product, you also need to spend money on shipping and marketing. Therefore, you need some initial investments to get started. However, there is a simple way to sell on eBay that doesn't require any investment or fulfil of orders. You can use ebay for dropshipping or print on demand.

How to Make 10K Per Month For Free

You might consider making $10k per month without any investment too ambitious. However, it is not. Well, it is actually possible to make $10k per month without spending any thing. It cost $0 to start a youtube channel. You can make videos for youtube and easily make $10k per month. How do you do it? Go to ChatGPT and create a video script, it costs you $0.  Go to Eleven Labs and generate voice over, it costs $0. Edit the video on Filmora or Da Vinci Resolve, it costs $0. Go to Canva and design a thumbnail. It will cost you $0. Don’t have skills to edit video or use Canva, go to Alison and learn video editing and graphic designing for $0.

Whether you can depend on online earnings or not depend on how much you are actually making online. If you make making $10-$20, how can you depend on your online earnings, if you are making $100-$200 per month and believe you can make more by working hard, I think you can trust your online income source. Whether you should depend on your online income or not will be answerred only when you are able to make enough to pay your bills

Sell Anything

Have you heard about Pet Rock? Well, once a marketer in the US sold simple stones and made million by promoting the stones as pet rock. You can make money from almost anything provided you know how to sell it. Therefore, monetizing your passion or hobby is possible with sincere effort. You can monetize your hobby and passion by creating products and selling through online marketplaces, creating videos about your passion, writing articles, writing ebooks, creating tutorials and courses, etc., turning your passion into profit. Success lies in knowing how to capitalize on your interests and dedicating the necessary time and effort.

Your marketing will be successful, or let’s say your marketing goals are met, only when you know the market properly and you use the marketing method most appropriate for your market (audience). How do you get to know your market? Well, knowing market means understanding your audience. For that purpose, you need to do market segmentation, which is a method to understand your audience. The basic step of market segmentation is asking yourself who your customers are and where they are located. You will get the answer when you analyze your product. For example, if you are selling toys for kids, customers are mostly parents. Now you will have to see where these people are concentrated.

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2 weeks ago


I didn't realize there are many ways to earn money online

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