How to Make Your Business Idea Successful? How to Build a Profitable Business?

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A business starts with an idea. You get this idea, you do research on the idea, build funds, and then start a business.

Some of you might ask, how to get an idea for a business?

Do you have $100 to spare? I can give you 100 business ideas that you can use to build a business with the $100 you have.

Do you think the idea that you have worked on to start your business will succeed?

Well, that’s the main question.

There are various factors that determine the success of your business idea. Some business ideas fail due to lack of funds, some ideas fail because the idea has been exploited numerous times by numerous people, some businesses fail because you do not have the required skills and knowledge.

How to Build Loyal Customers

Loyal customers mean the people who not only buy regularly from you but also bring new customers for you. If you have loyal customers, you can easily generate regular revenue. If you have a regular income, your business will be self-sustaining.

I am sharing some incidents from my life to show you how businesses build loyal customers and what it means for businesses to build loyal customers.

I work from home but when I am bored, I go to a cafe and sit there for a couple of hours working on my project. I have been visiting this cafe for over a year.  I go to this cafe because the manager, who is also the owner, knows me by my name, knows what I do, even knows I have been working online ever since I lost my job. Before I started visiting this cafe, I had never known this guy, but these days he is like a friend, sometimes he even offers complimentary coffee.

I always buy from the same grocery store because the manager responds to me well. He even remembers my dog breed and knows my dog broke his leg a couple of weeks ago. I am loyal to these businesses because they have established a personal connection.

Why You Need to Automate Your Small Business

You may not be financially capable to start a bug business but you surely desire to run a small business. Even when you are running a small business, it is not a small task. As a small business owner, you are on a limited budget to hire staff for specific tasks, therefore, you might have to play different roles, for example, you need to look into product development, business management, as well as sales and marketing at the same time. Your limited staff might have to put different hats to keep the things at the right place. However, the main question to address in this regard is how long will you be able to keep up without exhausting yourself and your staff?

According to research on small businesses, it was discovered that the issues small business owners face while running and managing a business are playing multiple roles in business management and operation. Interestingly, the small business owners also admitted that the technology also provides tools to grow their business without incurring extra spending. Technology will not only help to run the business with a small task but also save a lot of money in salary.

Therefore, if you are a small business owner and if you are still doing a lot of work manually, try to automate your business with technology, and spend time only on things where human intelligence is required.

Taking Business Related Risks: How Much is Too Much

When money is at stake, it is always risky. There is no such thing as full proof against risk, a business is always at risk even when the performance indicators show that the business is doing fairly well.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, whether you are just beginning or an experienced businessman/woman, you are always at risk.

Well, when you are doing business, you need to take risks. But do you know where we draw the line? I mean how do we decide when to take a risk and when not to, or how much risk is too much and how much risk is okay?

Here lies the importance of taking calculated risks. Calculated risk means, you measure the pros and cons and you take a middle path. Calculated risk means you step into the water when you are perfectly aware of the depth.

First published on Trendri, in author's name

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