How to Make Money on Google

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As of 2021, Google search engine covers 92.47 percent market in the US, the figure for the global market share is 90 percent. Google has a lot of platforms from video sharing platforms and blogging platforms to email services, social networking platforms, advertising services, etc. Google services are free and it mainly makes money from advertising.

There are a lot of ways to make money from Google, for instance blogging on blogspot, vlogging on youtube, or using ADsense on your own blogs and websites. You can also use Google ads to offer marketing services to individuals and businesses.

How to Make Money as a Google Ads Specialist

You can help other individuals and businesses to run ads through Google and in doing so you will make money. Here’s how you can do it.

Go to the website

On this website, you can take free courses offered by google. Some of the courses available on this platform are:

Google Ads: After taking this course you will be certified with Google ads which will allow you to master your advertising skills with google.

Google marketing platform: This free course will allow you to master your marketing skills on google platforms. You can get certified in Google marketing platforms by taking this course.

Depending on your interest and necessity, you can take any of the free Google courses. After attending the courses you will earn certification. This certification will help you get clients on various freelancing sites.

If you want to become a Google ads specialist, head over to Google ads. You will find a lot of courses for Google ads. If you are diligent, you can finish the entire course in just one week. After the course completion, you will get certificates that add to your portfolio as a specialist on google ads.

Once you are certified, you can start your service on Fiverr or apply for the jobs on Upwork that require your google ads certification.

Basics of Google Ads: How to Use Google Ads

Google is not only the most used Search Engine but also the biggest player in Online Advertising. Google Ads can be used in a number of ways for example:

Search Ads: You can advertise on Google Search

Youtube Ads: You can run ads on youtube videos

Web Ads: You can advertise on Google approved websites

Mobile Ads: You can advertise on mobile apps.

Google Advertising Platforms include:

Adwords: This advertising platform is for publishers who want to run ads on Google search or across Google networks, including adsense approved websites.

Adsense: Adsense is an advertising solution for publishers willing to make money by running Google ads on their websites and videos

Admob: This is a mobile app advertising platform for publishers.

Costs for Google Ads

How much it cost to advertise through Google ads depends on the platform where you are running ads. For example, you will have t pay $1-$2 per click on Google Search.

First Published on Trendri, in author's name

$ 3.13
$ 3.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Codename_Chikakiku
$ 0.01 from @SilverBack
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very useful information i will give it a try.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my dear.. you are right..there are many sort of money earning on the fast age is... online earning is easy now days and people also enjoying it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In YouTube usually content creators are connecting their YouTube accounts to Adsense so that there will be advertisement pops up on their videos, in return they will get paid to their efforts. Well this days, there are lots of opportunities that internet can bring, those opportunities to earn money even if your just sitting inside your house.

$ 0.00
2 years ago