How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

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If you write for publications, businesses, or individuals without being on their payroll and get hired on as needed basis, you are a freelance writer. You will be basically working independently. You can sell your writing services through freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork. On these sites you can get different kind of writing jobs such as writing for blogs, websites, and other publications, writing ebooks, writing copies, etc. As a freelance writer, you can make mony through multiple methods. Apart from freelancing through freelancing sites, you can publish books and ebooks, start a blog, and even create writing course and sell your course. As a book writer, you not only make a passive income but also establish your authority as a writer, thus being able to build your career. Since writing is profitable career, many people want to learn writing, which opens earning opportunities to sell writing courses.

Problems Associated as Making Money as a Writer

You can make money by writing articles, ebooks and internet or web content but this is not an easy field. There is a huge competition and then you also need additional skills like SEO and digital marketing in order to find clients for your writing services or to sell your written work. For instance, if you are writing ebooks, you not only need marketing skills to find clients for your services but also SEO skills to sell your ebooks if you have published them online.

Blogging on your self hosted website, writing and publishing ebooks, ghost writing are some of the ways to make money as a writer, however, whether your earnings will be decent or not depends on a lot of factors. For instance, to earn decently form your blog, apart form a good writer you also need SEO and digital marketing skills. Likewsie, to sell ebooks and make money you need to run ad campaign and also market on social media. To earn from ghost writing, you need to be active on freelancing sites

Websites to Make Money as a Writer

You can make money as a writer provided you have writing skills. If you can write well, here are some websites where you can make money as a writer:

Fiverr: The most popular freelancing sites where you can sell different kinds of writing services.

Upwork: Another popular freelancing site where you can apply on different kinds of writing jobs.

iWriter: While Fiverr and Upwork are not the sites specific for writers, iwrirter is specifically a freelancing site for writers. You will have to write article and they will manually screen yout. Once are approved, you can start writing for clients. You start with lavel one and gradually improve lavel to earn more.

SEOClerks: On this freelancing site, you can not only apply on existing jobs but also list your writing services. SEOClerks is beginner friendly and is not as competitive as Fiverr or Upwork.

I make money by writing articles. I have written articles for numerous forums and article sites. However, I have not made good amount of money by writing articles on various sites. The only site where I made substantial amount of moneywas on read cash where I earned over $1000. However, I had to write hundreds of articles for more than 2 years to make that amount. I have also made some money through freelance writing but the amount is small and I don't get a lot of freelance contacts

Where to Find Writing Jobs Online

Well, for people who want to make money online by writing articles, ebooks, etc. freelancing marketplaces such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, SEOClerks, People Per Hour, etc. are the preferred choices where they can get a job or sell their services. However, if you have used these freelance marketplace, you might have noticed that these sites are very competitive. If you are just starting out, you have no chance of making money. Apart from generic freelancing sites, there are also specific sites that cater to writers for instance iwriter, problogger, freedom with writing, etc. While iwriter is a freelancing site for writers, problogger and freedom with writing, offers list of writing jobs available on various sites.

Is It Still Possible to Make Money as a Writer?

In 2011, Vitalik Buterin wrote articles for 5 bitcoin for a magazine. Back then 5 bitcoins were equivalent to $3.5. That was really good payment, but sadly, these days the payment for articles is more or less same, it never increases. It is really difficult to make money as a writer. Well, you of course have multiple options to make money. For example, you can also publish on article sites, however, earnings on these sites are terribly low. You can start blogging but it will take a long time to earn, and for some people it never happens. For earning as a writer, you will have to look for a platform that pays better but also are less competitive.

With ghost writing, you can of course write on the topics that you are not comfortable about and still be able to make money. Another major benefit is quick money. If you are a prolific writer and if you have the ability to churn out articles, ebooks, even books very quickly, you can make a lot of money. Can you write 2 ebooks per week, if that you have easily make $200-$300 easily as a ghost writer. Ghostwriting is good for those who can write fast.

I have done ghost writing and based on my experience, there is also a good thing about ghostwriting. You can write on topics that you normally wouldn't want to write in your own name. For instance, I know a couple of people who do write erotica and make money as a ghost writer, they would never write and publish erotica in their own name, though. If you are prolific, and can churn out books pretty fast, ghost writing will certainly come as a profitable way to make money.

With the evolution of AI based writing tools, I do not think content writers have a great chance of surviving. If you can come up with a good prompt you can create a great content in few minutes. You can thank use another AI tool to humanize your AI generated content, and use another AI based editing tool to polish your content. In less than 10 minutes you will have an article this is not only good but also easily pass all sorts of AI detectors

Do You Really Need a Blog to Earn as a Writer?

As a writer you can get paid through multiple methods such as freelance writing, ebook writing, book publishing, as well as blogging.

If you are really good at writing, you can easily make money through freelance writing. If you are good at marketing, you can easily sell your ebooks and books and make money as book writer. However, it is really difficult to make money through a blog. Apart from writing, you are also required to have web designing, SEO and digital marketing skill. This brings to our main question, “Do you really need a blog to get paid as a writer?”

Even when you cannot make money from your blog, there are a lot of benefits of maintaining a blog as a writer.

When you have a blog you can show case your work so that you have better chances of getting hired as a writer on freelancing platforms. You can share links to your books and ebooks in order to generate sales, you can even improve your online presence because your name will be searchable on the internet.

If you are a popular writer, people will be looking forward to know more about you and read more from you, therefore, having a blog is highly beneficial to the writers.

Earning Better as a Writer

Freelance writing is definitely a good way to make money from home, however, if you do not have high-quality language and writing skills, and if you are not based in a country where English is the first language, you don't have a chance to earn. If you want to monetize your writing skills, try something that will make you more money. A 500 words article will earn you $10 on average on Fiverr or Upwork, however, a two lines copy can earn you $20-$30. A 20 pages ebook will earn you $200-$300 on average on freelance writing sites, however, you can earn $100-$200 by writing a product description that is not even 5 pages in total. An article on a general topic can earn you $10-$20 but f you write a business article or tech article, you might earn $50-$60. Even though you can earn from all kinds of writing, if you want to earn better you should choose a genre that makes you more money. However, in order to explore other types of writing, you also need additional skills. The skills you need for article writing are entirely different from the skills required for copywriting. As a copywriter, you can do a lot of things from writing copies for ads to writing product descriptions and social media posts. Copywriter is an expert on writing short and concise content, therefore, anything that depends on concise writing, you can step in. A good copy says a lot in just a few words. If you can make a catchy and original line that gets the message across, you could be a copywriter. The best place to get a job is of course advertising agency but you can also start with freelancing platforms

How to Combine Article Writing and Forum Posting For Better Income

If you have language and writing skills, posting on paid-to-post forums is one of the easiest ways to make money online. You can also start writing articles and publishing on article sites to make money online. You can also offer freelance writing services through freelancer marketplace to make money. Blogging is another way to make money online as a writer.

The basic rule of making money by writing is you have writing skills and you can write different kinds of things on different kinds of subjects. IN other words you need article writing skills, ebook writing, skills, copywriting skills etc. You also need the skills and knowledge to write on tech niche, business, niche, finance niche etc. You are a good writer does not mean you can start making a lot of money. Yo also need SEO and digital marketing skills to find clients or reach clients. There are a lot of websites where you can publish articles. You make money from these sites through multiple methods, such as tips, views, ad engagements/impression, etc.

There are a lot of forums where you can write short posts and make money from your posts. They pay certain amount per topics and replies.

If you are a writer, you can combine article writing and forum, posting to earn money from long articles and short forum posts. Article can be better but it takes a lot of hard work. Sometimes you might not make any money for more than a year. Therefore, you should try both and increase your income through writing.


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Just find a community of frustrated people and write something that they identify with.

Simple as.

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