Designing and Developing Website For Profit

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Creating websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, or eBay would get you millions of visitors, and millions in revenue. However, for common people like us, that's not realistic because we do not have knowledge, skills and resources. So instead, we need to think sensibly and try to create websites that can get a lot of visitors because your site is by offering something unique. Facebook is popular because it's unlike anything else out there. But it still had to copy Tiktok short video features to stay in the business. The same is the case with youtube. Think about creating something that offer unique product and service.

In this article we discuss on how we can design and develop websites

Do You Really Need Coding Skills to Design and Develop Website

One of the major complains from a lot of people about why they do not have their own website is “I do not have web designing skills.” Well, designing a website is not a hard work. Having programming skills can help you make any kind of site with awesome design. But even if you don't know how to code, you can still make a great site. But how can you do that without knowing programming? Well, the trick is to pick the right tools for your website. You can use something called content management system or website builders. These tools help you to organize your site without needing to code. You can add special features and designs using plugins and addons made by other people.

Learning to code can help you in web designing. But you're likely to get more job offers if you specialize in different types of content management systems. If you create a website for a client by writing code and creating sites from stratch, they might struggle to maintain the website themselves of they do not have programming skills, and they might not like that. However, if you use content management systems like Drupal, Joomla, or ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, etc. to design websites, you can not only build websites for clients but also offer solutions to these CMS. CMS based websites are easier to manage and operate, therefore, many people prefer these programs over creating from scratch.

The CMS you intend to use should be appropriate for the kind of website you are planning. In other words, your website design should match with the kind of website you are making. A Blog is entirely different from forum and a forum is different from online shop. Therefore, while designing website, you need to use appropriate software. You cab use wordpress to create a blog but if you want to create a forum, you might have to use phpbb or xeneforo. For online store, you will have to use Joomla or Drupal, or magento. Even though you can use wordpress for forums or online shop, you will have to use software exclusively created for the kind of website you want to create

Understanding What Platforms is Best to Build Websites

First of all, you need to understand the difference between website builders and content management systems. WordPress is a content management system, whereas weebly, wix, etc. are website builders. Content management systems are software to build website. When you build websites through content management systems, you will have full control over your website including website files, no one can take down your website and it can run as long as you renew your domain and hosting. However, when you use website builders, you do have access to your website files and your website can be taken down by the website builder. You cannot manage your website through the back end. You can not move your website to another platform. Coding means writing code to create your own website, this is entirely different from using content management systems and website builders. Wordpress is not a website builder, it is a content management system, you can create any kind of website by using wordpress, including but not limited to blogs, forums, online shopping sites, etc. When you use wordpress you can integrate website builders into it for example, you can use Elementor to build your wordpress website. Website builders are easy to work compared to wordpress.

Website builders are popular method to create different kinds of websites. A lot of people try to skip website builders because they are expensive. For example, if you want to use Wix to make an online shop, you might have to pay at least $16 per month for the basic plan, but it could go up to $45 per month.

Even for a simple blog, you will have to pay $5 per month, which is very expensive to using content management system with hosting.  Therefore, the best alternatives to website builder are open source content management systems. Just like website builders, you can create websites without coding by using content management systems. You need to buy a domain and hosting but your cost will still be low compared to website builders. Content management systems are more powerful than website builders.

Choosing the Right Content Management System for Your Website

Drupal and Joomla both are open source content management systems that you can use to build an online business. If you want to create an online store and trying to find out which one is better, here is a comparison between Drupal and Joomla for building online store.

If you want a Content Management System (CMS) that is flexible and scalable, look no further than Drupal. It is the best option for creating large and complex e-commerce websites. Drupal boasts a huge community support from developers who are active in creating and maintaining add ons (called modules). Modules add additional functionality to your website.

With its simpler interface, Joomla is a more user-friendly. If you are planning a small scale ecommerce site, Joomla is ideal platform. You can create a good online store without a lot of technical experience.

Drupal and Joomla both can be customized with add-ons. The basic difference between these two CMS is the kind of website they can create or are ideal for creating. Drupal is for large scale ecommerce whereas Joomla is for small and medium scale stores.

Which should you choose depends on a lot of things such as lijnd of website you want to create, level of technical skills you have.

Importance of Using The Right Color on a Website

It does not matter what kind of website you are running, colors you are using on your website play a huge role in building traffic, traffic conversion, revenue generation (either through ad clicks or product purchase) and engagement.

Blog: Blog is website where people read articles, therefore, use warm colors and avoid using dark colors that make reading difficult. Also avoid using background image, white background is best for a blog.

Forum: Forum requires user engagement (by creating posts). The white background is best for forums because it makes easier to write posts and read posts. You can also use warm colors like light blue, light pink, etc. but your colors should be appropriate for your niche.

Online store: In order to increase sales by providing better user experience, you should use colors that do not strain your visitors’ eyes. You can use bright colors, for instance red, to promote sales, however, using bring colors every where can be detrimental.

Why You Need SSL Certificates on Your Websites

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol that authenticate, encrypts and decrypts data sent on the World Wide Web.

When you use SSL on your websites, your data will be secured, there is a least possibility of data theft and unauthorized access to your website.

Search engines favour the sites using SSL, therefore, SEO value of your site will increase for the websites using SSL.

Since SSL protects data, visitors will trust the websites using SSL, therefore, you are likely to get more visitors on your website if you have used SSL.

If you are running a website, consider using SSL on your website if you haven’t already.

Some web hosting companies offer free SSL for life time, whereas some web hosts offer free SSL for limited time. If you do not have access to free SSL, consider investing some money on buying SSL certificate. If you can’t pay for SSL, you can try free SSL from Lets Encrypt.

How to Know if Your Website is Performing Well?

The most important analysis you can do for your website is traffic analysis. Traffic is like the blood of your website, and if you're not getting enough traffic, your site is in trouble. Having traffic means people are coming to your website to reach content, when people are visiting your website they will also interact with your ads and you make money. So, you need to use traffic analytic tools like Google Analytics to check your traffic data. Based on the data from Google Analytics, you'll need to make changes to your website. You have to see where your website is getting its traffic from, when you know your traffic data, you can make changes to boost traffic. Apart from traffic, you also need to check your SEO analytics.

If you are running a website, it is very important that you know everything about your website traffic. There are a lot of benefits of learning about your website traffic, and one major benefits is based on the traffic data you can do content planning and publish content that is interesting to the traffic. If you want to track your website traffic, the best tool you can use is Google Analytics. It is a free tool from tech giant Google that helps you understand your website's traffic based on various metrics. You can not only see how many views your website is pulling, you can even see which webpage is pulling views, where are people coming from, how long them stay on your site, what browser they use, etc.

How to Maintain Your Website Fitness?

If you own a website (a blog, a forum, a business website, an online store, etc.), you must make sure that your website is fit and fine. When a site is fit, you will be receiving organic traffic regularly, you will also receive referral traffic and direct traffic, there will be low bounce rate, site will generate revenue, etc.

Here are some of the methods to maintain your website fitness:

Do a site Audit: Siute audit means checking your site for SEO value, you check your domain authority and page authority, you check your backlinks and broken links, you check your website’s search ranks for your primary keywords and secondary keywords, you check your crawlability issue. And you address all the issues that are hindering your site growth.

Make your website mobile friendly: Don’t expect your visitors to check your website only through a computer. People will be using all sorts of devices, so your website must be responsible and adapt according to the screen size.

Fix website speed issues: If your website loads slow, you will be losing a lot of things, one, traffic, two engagement on your site, three, ad revenue, and four, sales. The best loading speed should be under 3 seconds. If your website takes longer than that you will have a huge bounce rate. There are many reasons that cause your website to load slow. One primary reason is related to hosting, if your hosting offers limited bandwith but your website receives a lot of traffic, your website can become slow. If your webpage is more than 3.5 mb, it can cause slow loading. If you use heavy themes, many plugins, lot of images, or a lot of embedded content, your webpage size will increase and make your site load slow.


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