Building a Successful Career

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When I had a job I used to work overtime. I had two reasons for working overtime, one, I could earn more, and two, I could utilize my time doing something creative that otherwise would be spent playing games or watching TV. As long as overtime assignments were available to me, I always grabbed them. I was able to make pretty good money by working overtime. Since I was making a good amount, I also started investing money. Now, I work online, normally I work 10-12 hours every day, and I don't take a break even during the weekends. When you are still young, you need to work a lot because your body can handle the workload. However, once you start growing old, your body cannot handle work pressure, therefore, you cannot work overtime. If you worked overtime in your young age and managed to earn well, you can use the money in your old age.

I don't think time is the determining factor for becoming successful. What matters more is how skilled you are. If you are highly skilled, you can get a high-paying job and become successful (imagine becoming a CEO on Google, or Microsoft). If you are highly skilled, you can create something that will go viral. Look at the people like Mr. Beast, who created a successful youtube channel, or Elon Musk who created Tesla. Apart from skill, how hard you work and how smart you are, are also determining factors for your success. You are talented but if you do not work hard and work smart, you might not be successful. Therefore, becoming successful is a combination of a lot of factors. Last but not least in order to become successful you also need to be patient. Some people have become overnight sensations does not mean that will also happen to you.

Money is a great motivation factor for me. When I was new to the job market, my only focus was to get a job. Once I got the job and gained experience, I began to think about getting paid better. Therefore, I bargained in another company to get a better paying job. Even when I started working online, my first focus was to get one job that will give me 5 start review. In order to get the fist job I even slashed my pay rate. Once I started getting jobs and also good reviews, I hiked my asking rate. I still do low paying job, but I will perform better in high paying job. For example, I get a contract to develop apps, and one job pays me $100 and another pays me $200. I will work better in high paying job. I think all the people here will be able to relate with me.

If you are just out of college or university, no matter what degree you have it will be hard to find a job. The job market seeks people who are not only educated but also have the experience to do a job. When I got out of the university as a programmer, I had to apply for 10 jobs before I was hired. When I was hired I was hired as a junior assistant. I had to work hard to impress my employer. It took me two years before I became the head programmer. 

Building Reputation as a Service Provider

First of all, you need to prove why people should hire you. You need to have enough reputation as a service provider before someone will trust you with the work. You can grow your reputation only when you have actually worked. You can run ads for your services, but n body is going to hire you just because of your ad, before they hire you they will want to see your profile on the freelance marketplace or check your portfolio website.

Unable to Sell Gigs on Fiverr? Tips to Start a Career on Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the best platforms to make money because you don’t need money to invest, you can work in your spare time, and you can make a full time career. Sadly, every now and then I hear people that it is very difficult to sell on Fiverr. Here are some tips based on my own experience.

Build a Good Profile: Before people hire you, they will check your profile. Upload your interview video or service video. Showcase your portfolio.

Create Micro-Niche Gigs: On Fiverr, people search for specific tasks, therefore, instead of creating “I will write an ebook for you” gig, offer “I will write motivational ebook” or “I will write picture book.” If you are a graphic designer, don’t offer general graphic designing service, offer, NFT creation service, digital art service, editing photos for instagram service, etc.

Provide Irresistible: Your gig should be something that people cannot resist.  Give them something that they will not refuse. 

Becoming Successful in YOur Career

Getting a job, working on a job and climbing up the corporate ladder to gain more money and supercharge your career is easier than to start on your own and build your career. Therefore, the best alternative for a job is never a self employment or a business. What if you never succeed, what if you never make money, what is your plan does not succeed. There are a lot of what ifs. If you are not treated well by your employer, you can always ditch that job and start fresh in other company

To become successful in your chosen career field, including video content industry, you need to be highly skilled with what you do. For instance as a video content creator, you need to create high quality video content, which includes good content and good editing, good visuals, etc. If your content is not good and if your video is not technically good, you can never succeed. You also need skills to reach your audience through SEO. I don't think you can benefit by marketing on third party platform, though.

Here is how I chose my career.

After I completed my high school, I choose to study Business Administration because I was interested in Business, Investment, Finance, Accounting, and Economics. The course I chose covered all of the subjects I was interested. There was also another reason for choosing Business Administration course. I was also good at the subject I was trying to learn. After I graduated, I decided to attend a programming college and learn to code. I was interested in programming for two reasons, one I wanted to learn it, and two, I could make more money as a programmer than a simple accountant in a firm.

In my opinion, when you are choosing a career, you need to consider three things:

Interest: Are you really interested in the field?

Knowledge: Are you really good in your chosen career? Do you have skills and knowledge?

Money: Can you actually make good money from your chosen career?

Finding an Apprentice Opportunity

Apprentice is an opportunity where you learn and earn at the same time. This is something like getting paid to learn. This is also a good way to build a career. If you are interested in becoming apprentice first of all you need to find a company or individual who hire and pay apprentices. When you such opportunities, you can apply, and then start working when you are hired. A lot of companies also frequently announce vacancies for apprentice. They might not ask for high level skills but you still need the necessary skills and knowledge to work. The only thing that makes apprentice great is experience is not needed.

How to Get a Promotion?

Promotion means you are assigned to a better position and you are earning better. Therefore, promotion is very necessary to excel in your career as well as make money from your job. One of the best ways to ensure that you get a promotion is by improving your skills. You can either learn a new skill or improve your existing skill. This increases your promotion chances. For example, if you're a programmer and if you learn communication skills so that you become good at talking to clients and selling your ideas, you might get promoted in your company. Having better skills always put you in advantage

How to Ask For Better Pay

If you are a fresher, there is no way you can negotiate your salary. When they say "Beggars cannot be choosers" they actually mean it. However, if you already have some experience, or let's say you are very experienced, you have a lot of things to show in your portfolio, you can easily negotiate your salary and move to higher-paying jobs. For your first job, you might be given an opportunity to have your say on the expected salary. However, they will not give you what you have asked for, your salary will be the same amount that they have decided while recruiting staff. Even when you have asked for less than the amount they are offering (in order to increase your chances of hiring), you will be offered the same salary according to the company standard. For an experienced individual, salary is always negotiable, and the higher your experience, the better will be your salary. I am saying this from my own experience. For my first job, my expected salary was less than what the company was offering, however, I was paid according to the company standard. I my second job, my asking salary was higher than what they were offering, but we negotiated and choose the middle path.

Before you ask for a raise with your boss, you need to ask yourself a couple of questions, such as: do I deserve it, have my helped my company to get more business, bring in more sales, have I performed well and other similar questions. If your answer is positive, and if you are efficient, productive, creative, you can ask for raise. When you ask for raise you need to make sure that you are giving enough reasons for your employer to think seriously on your case.

How to Become Successful

A lot of things determine your success. But then there is also the question of how you determine success. Do you really have to be a CEO in order to become successful in your career? Do you really have to be promoted to the high ranks in order to become successful? Do you need to get paid high to become successful? Do you need a lot of people working under you to be called successful? A lot of questions can be asked and I believe how you define success depends on how you interpret certain things. If you believe reaching a high position and drawing a huge salary is successful you sure need connections (which means you are successful when people know you). In my opinion, if you are very skilled and knowledgeable, if you do your work diligently, and if you work hard, you can become successful. After all what matters is how you deliver the work.

Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired With These Interview Tips

A lot of people, despite having required experience, knowledge, skills and qualification, get rejected in the interview. That’s because they fail to impress the employers with appropriate answers. If you are going on a job interview, remember these interview questions and answers so that the chances of getting hired greatly increases.

What is your strength?

I am a fast learner and I am a great team player.

What are your weaknesses?

I concentrate only on one thing at one time

What abilities do you have that lets you work under pressure?

I keep myself calm, that’s why I can multitask.

Why did you leave your last job?

I was trying to improve my skills and also looking for better opportunities.

Why were you unemployed for so long?

 Was doing some freelance work, and I was also learning advance personality development so that I can be better with my job.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself in a senior position and want to work in your company as if it is my own company.

If You Want Happiness, Never do These Jobs

If you want to remain happy with your avoid doing these 5 jobs. These jobs have been reported as the unhappiest job in the world in a survey carried in the United States.

The number one unhappy job is cleaner. Well, this is understandable because the job requires you to do dirty job, menial job.

The second unhappy job is plumber. While this is one of the high paying professions a lot of people have reported that they are unhappy with their work.

The third unhappy happy job might come as a little surprise to you. People reported that accounting is one of the unhappy jobs.

The fourth unhappy job is electrician job, probably because you are exposed to risky environment.

The fifth unhappy job also comes as a surprise to you. A lot of people working as life coaches reported being unhappy. About 57 percent people who try to make money by helping other people succeed in life reported being unhappy with their profession.

 Learning Skills

I know Alison even though I have never taken any course on this platform. This platform is just like Udemy, where you can join courses created and uploaded by the users, the only difference is you do not have to pay for courses on Alison. The main problem with these courses, not just on Alison but even on Udemy is, that these courses are created by users which might lack quality. If you are learning, you will have to learn from the experts, I think Coursera or even Masterclass are better platforms. However, I also believe that if you do not have money to spend on skill development, there is no harm in trying a platform like Alison because you have nothing to lose. While choosing the course make sure you are enrolling for highly rated course because the course with high rates are generally considered the best courses (because a lot fo students rayed positively)

How to Become Successful as Anywhere Worker

Anywhere workers are the people who work from anywhere all they need is a laptop and internet connection. If you have a dream to be in this position, here are a few tips to become successful.

Self Motivation: When you have a job, you need to go to workplace and do the job. However, when you are anywhere worker, you don’t have any fixed working schedule and you don’t have anyone to dictate you. Since you are working from anywhere you will also encounter a lot of distractions. Therefore, you need self motivation for the work to be done and to remain focused on your work.

Organization:  It is very challenging to work when you do not have an office, therefore, you need to organize your working space, you need to keep your projects, equipment, schedules within your reach.

Working Schedule: You will also have to work at odd hours, and you need to prepare yourself for this.

There are two main things to consider if you want to earn online: one, work hard, and two have patience. Working hard does not only mean working hard on your tasks and jobs but also working hard to enrich your knowledge and skills. Unlike the real world where just one skill can land you into a high-paying job and help you make money, in the virtual world you should not and cannot depend on one skill, you need to develop multiple skills and make money through these various skills. No matter what you do money does not come easily in the virtual world. You will have to work for months, sometimes even years before you can make a substantial amount. For example, if you are blogging or vlogging you might have to work for over a yeara to start earning from your blog or vlog. If you are freelancing, it might take months before you are hired.

How to Secure Your Jobs

In order to secure jobs you don't have to be highly qualified, you can make money even with general skills. However, you need better strategies to market yourself. Let's say you are a graphic designer, a lot of graphic designers start by selling logo services. If you try to do the same, you might not be able to get any contracts as the market is situated and you are new in the market. However, if you sell social media templates, infographics, memes, workbooks, etc. you have a better-earning chance. If you are a writer, you might not be able to make money as a freelance writer and there is tough competition, however, if you offer services such as email writing, newsletter writing, press release writing, copywriting, white paper writing, etc. you might be able to make more money. Well, you might earn better from cloud computing and data analytics but you can still earn from general skills.

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