Zero waste

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Avatar for Mihi1980
2 years ago

This year I decided that I will give my best to not throw away any food. It seems like a simple task, but if you think about it, it is not so easy. Especially if you have kids.

I will try to follow a few helping rules, maybe you can find it usefull for youself.

1. Dont buy too much of the same product

This mainly refers to food that is on sale. You will not save any money if you throw half of your sale away.

2. Store food apropriately

Refrigirate, freeze and vacuum pack groceries that you will not eat immediately. If you buy extra food that you will not eat, freezing is always an option. Some meals you can even cook and then freeze,, that can save you time and energy.

3. Use leftovers

Even if its restorant food, or leftovers from your own meals, you can eat it tomorrow, pack it for lunch at work the next day. Also, some leftovers you can use in other meals. For example, meat you can use in salads, vegetables reuse in croquettes.

4. Planing is everything

Plan your shopping and most importantly, dont go to the store hungry. If you are hungry, all food sounds good. Try to write down what you will need for that week. That will also help you when you dont have ideas what to cook, when you preplan it, you know it.

I do not expect to be zero waste, but aiming to be close to that.

I hope that my plan helps you 😉

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