How often do you eat junk foods?

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3 years ago

Eating is a habit because we do it everyday. Some people have good eating habit while others have bad eating habit. Do you know that most of the diseases in our society today are non-communicable diseases that result from our lifestyle pattern.

Look around its either someone is obese, diabetic, hypertensive or maybe have atheriosclerosis, unstable angina or stroke. These cluster of diseases are called cardio metabolic diseases because they either affect the heart and blood vessels or metabolic organs such as the kidney, liver and pancrease.

When we talk about how lifestyle affect our health its not about the dress we wear or the music we listen to. Its basically about diets, smoking, alcohols and physical activities. In this article I would be talking about diets.


A balanced human diet should contain all food groups in adequate proportion. An imbalance in the components of our diet leads to noncommunicable nutritional deficiency diseases. Malnutrition can be undernutrition or overnutrition. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle we must consume quality(nutritious) diets in the right quantity. However, people with high purchasing power eat the right quantity of food but not quality diets.


Junks are energy-dense diets that are lacking in nutrients in proportions that can support healthy body functioning. Junks are one of the causes of diet related diseases.

Example of junk foods include baked goods like biscuits, cakes, white bread etc . A diet is energy dense if it contains too much of carbohydrate or fat, even too much protein in the diet is not good. A heavy protein diet will put the burden on your liver and kidney while a high carbohydrate diet will put the burden on your liver and pancrease- the organ that produces insulin.

It would have being better if we consumed complex carbohydrates like whole grains and carbohydrates found in legumes, root and tubers. However, most of junk foods we eat contain refined carbohydrates- sugars ( sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, mapple syrup, molasses, brow sugar, honey etc).

Sugar is not the villain but over consumption is the bane. The body stores excess carbohydrates consumed into the body as fat and these fats are stored in the body fat cells. Fat can be stored in body organs where they affect the functions of these organs, in the blood vessels they can cause blockage. One of the causes heart diseases.


Junk foods can lead to nutritional and metabolic diseases such as

  1. Obesity

  2. Heart diseases

  3. Strokes

  4. Diabetes

Stop eating junks today! Thanks for reading.

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3 years ago
