Constipation, Very Common and Much More Dangerous than People Tend to Believe

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4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Many people consider constipation as a minor ailment. Indeed, a considerable number of people have chronic constipation without really realising that there is something wrong. As a matter of fact, it might be one of the most common ailments in the world.

Constipation is not harmless; quite the opposite. It contributes to the development of degenerative disease, and in the next step to death. It is a very serious condition that should never be neglected or allowed to last. Better yet, it should never be allowed to occur in the first place.

If you get more than an occasional constipation, the first thing to do is to consult a medical professional who can take tests and examine you in order to exclude serious diseases of which constipation may only be a symptom, such as colon cancer, certain neurological diseases, and problems with glandular functions. Certain drugs, recreational and medical, may be another cause for constipation, as are supplemental iron and calcium.

In a vast majority of cases, nothing of this applies, but the problem is diet and lifestyle. Too little fibre in the diet, too little exercise. Most of you already know that. What's important to realise, however, is that bowel movements should be frequent (not less than daily) - and the stool should be of a considerable volume, firm but soft, and come with relative ease. If this is not the case, you need to take measures.

What happens if you allow constipation to remain?

Mainly two things.

The liver removes waste from the blood, then it “taps” it into the intestines, from where it is to leave the body through the faeces. That is the major route for the body to get rid of toxic waste. When this waste remains in the colon too long, the toxins are absorbed again through the inner surface of the colon into the body and the blood. With this recycling of old toxins added to the constantly added new ones, the level of toxin in the blood will accumulate, and the whole body will be poisoned. The first symptoms of this might be just fatigue and headache, but also liver problems (the liver having to cleanse the blood from a constantly increasing amount of toxins, since – in addition to new ones – it has all the accumulated recycled waste to take care of again and again; it works in overdrive) or problems with the eyes. In due time waste and toxins will affect everything and block normal processes. This affects every cell and the cellular respiration; ultimately, after many years of gradual destruction, it paves the way for cancer and death.

The second effect is on the intestinal microflora. Old faeces will rot and ferment and unhealthy microbes will grow in it. The whole intestinal microflora will degenerate. That will further increase the amounts of toxin (bad microbes produce toxins), which will create a vicious circle and gradually become worse if nothing is done to stop it.

With the intestinal microflora out of order, nutritional deficiencies will develop as well, since many nutrients are synthesised by the microbes living in a healthy microflora.

If, despite fibres and exercise, you still have constipation or feel that it is always on the brink of becoming constipation, I recommend a daily use of psyllium seeds (real seeds - not husks, shredded psyllium or flakes). They certainly cure the constipation without causing any bad side-effects. In addition to that, they stimulate the growth of a healthy microflora.

In any case, never neglect or ignore constipation or a tendency to constipation. It is not something you can live with without serious health consequences.

(This article is based on material previously published in Meriondho Leo.)

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4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


Wow, I never knew there is more to this , thanks for sharing .

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4 years ago

Very educative

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4 years ago