How to become wealthy through Crypto-currency

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Avatar for Mictop123
3 years ago

Hi guy's if you've been looking for a crypto based investment, that you can invest little tiny bit of your time into and not your money and will still yield a lot for you in the nearest future, then this article is for you.

Firstly, I will like to introduce to you a new Crypto-currency that's been created by a group of Stanford PhDs and that has over 8,000,000 members all over the world. "PI"

Pi is a different type of crypto entirely, it was developed for the betterment of the people. The pi coin has been created but not yet launched, and that's why they have decided to give people the golden opportunity to mine the coin before it hits crypto market, and then have fiat value.

Now, the question on your mind will be how to start mining, and what will be its value after launch.

it has been made easy, unlike before where you had to use a web browser, but now, it is a whole lot easier to mine. With just a single tap everyday to verify you are not a bot, you are good to go.

Firstly, go to playstore or apple store and download the PI app.

PI app

Then register with your number, put in your password, and  confirm it, then your country and then lastly you'll have to put in a code for Approval. Put in "Michaeljulius" and you are set.

The value of pi has not yet been determined, but with the numbers now, it's gonna be above $3 dollar, and the more the Numbers, the more the increase in value. Imagine mining up to 1000 PI, that's 3 grand straight up.

Just know it's not a day work, with patience and time everything will be achieved. And you happily get that iPhone 11 you've been wanting.

Just be patient, and mine daily.


$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Mictop123
3 years ago
