Realize that aging should be defeated. Aging kills about 100,000 humans each 24 hours. Aging is our worst humanitarian crisis. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey. Help to hasten the defeat of aging.
Persuade politicians and law makers to help hasten the defeat of aging. Persuade them to fund research that could lead to the defeat of aging. Be creative in how you help to hasten the defeat of aging.
Only if it is socially appropriate to do so, let family, friends, and coworkers know about why defeating aging is the correct course for humanity to go on. Donate money to SENS Research Foundation and Life Extension Advocacy Foundation.
There are many ways to help hasten the defeat of aging. You could create a website on the topic of defeating aging, or create videos on YouTube, or post about the topic on social media. There are many ways to help hasten the defeat of aging. Once you realize that aging should be defeated, you will likely try to help hasten the defeat of aging.