Out of the darkness of despair

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3 years ago

Today so many people want fast success. But when we’re on the spiritual path and responding to what Life presents us, I think the most powerful work we do happens gradually over time. It’s almost as though we don’t realize it’s happening. We look back and think, Oh my, look at all that.

Photo source:https://www.google.com/search?q=darkness&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivmn&sxsrf=ALeKk01INW_1GZzdHsmGWz9wCYlW3SzEqw:1602384492775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBufCzw6vsAhULH3AKHdrdBxEQ_AUoAXoECB0QAQ&biw=424&bih=779#imgrc=OJs1SToNoimU9M&imgdii=Vtw3H6blNBPyNM

The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

Its more like an extension to You can heal your life. By itself or my its content is kind of light, assumes u already familiar with what Louise has to say. Its very very feel good. I like both these women :) Ive always like good vibe, they say very simple practical things and I agree with what they say.

Great ways to incorporate simple affirmations and mirror work into ones daily life. 

Now, while I am not usually big on the whole self help thing - much of this did resonate with me. The discussion surrounding dealing with difficult relationships so you are not feeding all of your energy into something that will never be satisfied.

I did find all of the talk about doing daily affirmations to be a bit hokey, though. I honestly could not imagine myself walking into my office and saying to myself, I bless my workplace with love I love my coworkers and we enjoy working together so much that it makes it a joy to come to the office each day.. But, amazingly, I did like the bits about talking more lovingly to yourself and found myself using much gentler words with myself instead of the harsh ones that I usually do. That can only be a good thing.

So, as with any self help thing - you always need to take the bits that work for you and apply them to your own life. But my husband will never find me in front of a mirror extolling my virtues to myself.

Do I recommend it? Well - I am going to remain neutral on that one. Self help (especially the metaphysical kind) is such a personal thing and it is usually an area of the bookstore I avoid because I have seen it do more harm than good to too many people. Though... I'm not sure there is anything in there that will make my life more exceptional than it already is, but if it helps me be a little less critical of myself then it was worth the time..

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3 years ago
