Fuel Your Performance and Life

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3 years ago

Are you looking for true success, but every time you try you end of failing or falling short of your goals? Change what you have traditionally thought were the key ingredients to achieving optimal performance and success. You will see what our lives could be if we operated from the quiet and clarity of our inner conscience..

Photo source:https://www.google.com/search?q=life&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivmn&sxsrf=ALeKk004bQeu-uZDG7QEcit4kcgrwQCyPw:1602330597400&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1mMjQ-qnsAhVTyosBHTU-AAkQ_AUoAXoECBYQAQ&biw=424&bih=779#imgrc=m9_uOoDRn1xraM

Some has offered readers a new perspective for coaches, athletes, or anyone in a place of leadership, which truly transcends the mainstream philosophy utilized by pop psychology and meditational thinkers. His message is simple, yet so effective: Willpower does not create success and the simple and creative inner thoughts, does.

Inside a person's state of mind lies his or her outlook on life. Some people does not have to do with external factors such as fame, winning, losing, money, etc. Instead, it is our thoughts and inner conscious that influence our outcomes. Kramer emphasizes the instinct of the human mind, which knows how to self correct itself to clarity and consciousness. This is something that cannot be forced, which can negatively impact our creativity and performance and violates our free will.

Children are the perfect example... they operate from a place of freedom and passion where they can express themselves fully. Adults can experience this same contentment and operate in a place that is free from the fear of failure. The more we try to control our thoughts and actions the more we can get in our own way. Kramer's advice is to stop trying so hard and allow yourself to enter into what he refers to as the zone.

The zone is not a tangible place, and does not have to do with intellect. It is about what you are doing in the present without over analyzing the situation. Kramer points out that in this process of freedom you don't think, you know. You don't focus. You feel. You don't try too hard. You allow. This he says, removes the external limitations.

Some offers a fresh idea for leaders, coaches, and parents to evaluated their own state of mind. That is to say a more grounded person will be able to be more successful in connecting with their team. True leadership encourages people and allows motivation to be born out of them individually, which then positively affects the entire team.

In an age where perfection and drive seem to be the prevailing thought of our society, Some offers us a new alternative where we can return to uninhibited thinking, which provides a freedom and passion for what we chose to do in the first place. This allows us to take the limitations off of ourselves and to stop forcing our will on others. When we do this, we can experience new levels of achievement.

Encourage yourself to return to creativity and self expression, which is lacking in today's competitive environment. This is a must read book for any coach, athlete, leader or parent who would like to learn how to be more successful without striving and help others do the same. 

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
