Achieve More Meaningful Things

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3 years ago

Well, most people, including me tend to procrastinate on many things. So, I read a book which piqued my interest. I found it useful, though as with much of the self-help literature today, the incremental new concepts or techniques you learn is (very) limited.,online_chips:leverage+failure&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&hl=fil&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRmYGU76nsAhVdyZQKHaYgCv0Q4lYoBHoECAEQDg&biw=424&bih=779#imgrc=xvklZZbbupPO1M

I liked this because it is simple, direct, and crisp. The chapters are short, and each gets directly to habits you can develop and action. I was hoping for some neuroscience inputs, which was mostly absent though. Nevertheless, the suggestions are all practical, make sense and are drawn from the author’s experience. The coverage includes – minimizing distractions (mostly technology related), appropriate technology aids, concentration, holistic approach combining exercise, work & hobbies.

While most people are unlikely to find much new material, I recommend the book for its honest & straightforward approach to the topic it covers. 

$ 0.14
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
