Food Photography

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Avatar for MiCAH_04
4 years ago
Mini donuts (July 08 2020)
DIY Churros (July 08 2020
Eggplant with meat and carrots (Jun 12 2020)
Small Cookies 😍 (Jun 18 2020)
Carbonara Pasta (Jun 29 2020)

When i was child im very curious with a lot of things specially on how my mom or my dad cooked our food that taste so good, like inside of me thinks (how can they do that?) 🤔

When i was 15 yrs old my mom teach me how to cook rice properly and that was the time i got interested in cooking. So when i was on my 3rd yr high school i choose culinary course to learn more about cooking and baking. I thought it was easy as ive think but not, you need to be more careful with the measurements, chopping etc., and have great sense of taste.

But still i loved cooking i really want to learn more about BS Culinary course in college but sadly i end up in BsHRM course because its less than expensive. But i have no regrets because BsHRM its still connected in cooking, and i can still do learn cooking in youtube or by myself thats why i loved to cook for my family to enchance what ive learn. Learn more, do more hihi

Just Sharing ~♡

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Avatar for MiCAH_04
4 years ago


Delightful, you've got me hungry now 😂😂😂😂

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4 years ago

And now I'm craving food 🤤

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4 years ago

Wow yummy😋😋

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4 years ago