11 End Time Bible Prophecies Explained

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3 years ago

As of late, I read a stanza in Daniel that I'd never seen that got me very energized. Endless predictions appear to be fitting together in manners that individuals have not seen for a very long time.

Dear Roger,

I've perused the book of Daniel a few times. As of late, I read a refrain that I'd never seen that got me very energized. In Daniel part 12 God trained Daniel to seal up the predictions in the book until the most recent days. He portrays how information will increment significantly as the Second Coming of Christ draws near.

As I see what's happening on the planet this makes me feel that the most recent days have arrived. Countless predictions appear to be fitting together in manners that individuals have not seen for a very long time. Might you be able to please remark on this?

Truly, Susanna

Dear Susanna,

Obviously, you are alluding to Daniel 12:4: "However you, Daniel, move up and seal the expressions of the look until the hour of the end. Many will go to a great extent to expand information."

The predictions do appear to be opening up for us to see and comprehend. Furthermore, obviously, information is multiplying each year or something like that; as result, I'm getting rather energized, as well.

Old Testament Prophecies - Book of Daniel

The book of Daniel gives a review of world functions from the times of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon right to Christ's torturous killing, restoration and ensuing millennial rule. Daniel shapes the system for the book of Revelation and for the comprehension of scriptural prophecy.

Daniel's 70 "sevens" prophecy envelops the ordered system for the historical backdrop of the Jews from this point until time everlasting. Once more, the book of Revelation finds a way into this system. It's truly difficult to comprehend what's happening in Revelation without understanding the book of Daniel.

Daniel's summed up outline happens in Daniel section 9. Daniel was perusing the book of Jeremiah when he understood that the 70 years of Jewish Babylonian bondage was reaching a conclusion. Daniel considered what might occur straightaway - precisely what numerous Christians today are likewise pondering about our own occasions. Understanding these predictions can enable us to comprehend what God has uncovered to us about His arrangement for the End of the Age.

Alongside requesting that God mention to him what came next for Israel, Daniel invested energy in supplication, admitting the wrongdoings of Israel and arguing God's pardoning for those transgressions.

Daniel's review starts with Nebuchadnezzar's fantasy vision in Daniel 2.

Prophecy 1 - Nebuchadnezzer's fantasy

Nebuchadnezzar longed for a tremendous multi-metallic man with a brilliant head, chest and arms of bronze, midsection and thighs of metal, and feet and toes made out of iron blended in with mud. He at that point saw a mountain emerging from the sky which hit the man on the toes and feet. The mountain squashed the man into powder, and the mountain developed to fill the earth.

Daniel disclosed to Nebuchadnezzar that the various metals spoke to various realms. Babylon was gold; Media-Persia was silver; Greece was bronze; and Rome was iron. The iron blended in with dirt spoke to a future aggregation of approximately unified governments joined around small time whom Daniel recognizes as the antichrist. The countries were in sequential request through and through. We see here the devolution of human governments. The estimation of these realms starts with gold and closures with iron. Likewise, notice that the countries increment in control after some time. Babylon was a horrible enemy; be that as it may, its evil and force were nothing to coordinate the underhandedness, quality, and intensity of the Roman Empire.

I guess that the exercise here is that all legislatures degenerate after some time and that God is at last in charge of every one of them.

As clarified in the book of Revelation, the 10 toes speak to 10 countries, possessing the zone of the old Roman Empire. These countries will meet up in the most recent days trying to decimate Israel and assume control over the world. The countries don't get along very well similarly as iron doesn't blend well in with earth. Disclosure depicts these countries, alongside a few others, that will all be driven in a free alliance by the antichrist.

The mountain which decimated the multi-metallic man is an image of the revived Jesus Christ at His Second Coming wrecking the devilishness of the Gentile countries on earth. The mountain which developed to fill the earth is an image of the millennial rule of Christ on earth.

Prophecy 2 - 490 Years and the Reign of Jesus (Messianic Kingdom)

God sent the blessed messenger Gabriel to offer Daniel a response to his petition concerning what God had made arrangements for Israel.

Gabriel shared that God had another program for Israel when the 70 years were finished up. This arrangement was for a very long time. As you read the stanzas beneath you will perceive how the book of Revelation finds a way into this section.

Daniel 9:24 gives us a review. Daniel 9:25-27 fills in the subtleties.

Daniel 9:24 is the diagram: Seventy "sevens" are announced for your kin and your blessed city to complete the offense, to stop sin, to give penance for fiendishness, to acquire never-ending exemplary nature, to seal up vision and prophecy and to bless the Most Holy Place."

Daniel 9:25-27 gives the subtleties: "Know and get this: From the time the word goes out to reestablish and modify Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and 62 'sevens.' It will be reconstructed with roads and a channel, yet in the difficult situation. 26 After the 62 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be executed and will have nothing. The individuals of the ruler who will come will obliterate the city and the asylum. The end will come like a flood: War will proceed until the end, and devastations have been proclaimed. 27 He will affirm a pledge with numerous for one 'seven. In the 'seven' he will stop penance and offering. Furthermore, at the sanctuary he will set up a plague that causes devastation, until the end that is declared is spilled out on him."

Amazingly, this section looks 560 years into the future to foresee the very day when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, April 6, 30 A.D.

In Daniel 9:24 we learn three realities with respect to God's arrangement for Israel.

1. To start with, God's program for Israel stretches out for 70 "Sevens" (70 x 7 = 490 Sevens). "Seven" is the Hebrew word "Heptad." This is a nonexclusive word which can mean seven of anything. It is like our statement, "Dozen" which can mean twelve of essentially anything: twelve bananas, twelve pencils, twelve years. The setting of this section causes us to confirm that here "Heptad" is alluding to seven years. One "Seven" approaches 7 years. (70 X 7 years = 490 years.)

2. Second, this program applies to Israel. "Your kin and your blessed city."

3. Third, this program will proceed until Christ sets up His Messianic Kingdom.

Gabriel shared six qualities of the Messianic Kingdom of Christ's l000-year rule on earth.

- To complete offense: alludes to Israel's public offense of dismissing the Messiah. At the Second Coming, offense will be finished in light of the fact that they will acknowledge Him as Savior.

- To stop sin: the public sin of Israel will end.

- To make up for evil: alludes to the compromise for all in the Cross of Christ. At the Second Coming Jew and Gentile the same will perceive and have confidence in the giving penance work of Christ.

- To acquire never-ending honorableness: Christ's Kingdom is set up on earth for a thousand years.

- To seal up vision and prophecy: After 70th week all prophetic declaration and dreams will be affirmed and satisfied.

- To bless the Most Holy: alludes to the Millennial Temple which will work during that time.

God consoled Daniel that He actually has an arrangement for Israel. Following 490 years Israel will be reestablished to their territory and will thrive in a magnificent future.

The initial 69 "sevens" (483 years) (Daniel 9:25) started at the giving of a pronouncement to reestablish and modify Jerusalem. This declaration is depicted in Nehemiah 1:1 and 2:5-8. Verifiably, the "twentieth year of Artaxerxes" was 444 B.C. Utilizing the Jewish schedule of 360 days out of each year and the way that the predictions started on the primary day of the month, we know for sure that this period started on March 4, 444 B.C.

Prophecy 3 - Birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ

The 69 "sevens" are separated into two stages: One seven and 62 "sevens."

1. Seven "sevens" recounts the time during which the sanctuary was reconstructed. It took 49 years. Ezra and Nehemiah both aided in the modifying and talked frequently of the upset occasions happening during this cycle.

2. The 69 "sevens" finishes up when the Anointed One, the Ruler comes." From 444 B.C. until the happening to Christ on Palm Sunday is 483 years or 69 "sevens." 483 prophetic years (360 days changed in accordance with 365.25 days =5.25 days contrast between the Jewish schedule and our present-day schedule. 483 X 5.25 = 2535.75 days or around 6 years and 11 months. Take away change... and...483 Jewish years from March 4, 444 B.C. to Palm Sunday is April 6, 30 A.D. (see Robert Anderson's book, The Coming Prince).

This is one way that Anna and Simeon realized that it was about an ideal opportunity for the Messiah to be conceived so they could do their arranged love of Jesus as a child.

To an adherent to Christ, Daniel's long term prophecy is a gigantic affirmation of the Word of God!

We live in a day in which the Word of God is enduring an onslaught on each hand. Many false it, and thousands disregard it; yet, here is a gigantic affirmation for us all to see this prophecy satisfied in total detail to the very day.

Obviously, the majority of Israel was blinded to everything, the same number of are blinded to how God is functioning today too.

A few things happen between the finish of the 69th seven toward the start of the 70th (Daniel 9:26).

Prophecy 4 - Death of Jesus Christ

To start with, "the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing."

This is one of the predictions in the Bible of the passing of Jesus Christ.

"Cut off" depicts his passing. Isaiah 53:8 depicts Jesus as "cut off from the place where there is the living." Jesus referenced frequently that he should go to Jerusalem and pass on (for example Matthew 16:21).

One of Holman Hunt's most renowned compositions of Jesus hangs in the Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, and is designated "The Shadow of Death." Christ is envisioned as a youngster in Joseph's workshop. The sun is setting. Christ loosens up his hands following a monotonous day's worth of effort. At that point, the craftsman gets Jesus' picture. The shadow on the divider shows a man with arms outstretched like He's withering on a cross.

Jesus Christ carried on with as long as he can remember in the Shadow of the Cross. He came to bite the dust on that cross for the transgressions of Israel and for the wrongdoings of the whole world.

Following 69 "sevens" - 483 years, Jesus was "cut off".

Prophecy 5, 6, 7 - Jerusalem Destroyed, Antichrist, Church Age "Hole"

"The People of the Ruler who will come" alludes to the Romans who demolished Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D.

In excess of 3,000,000 Jews were murdered. Masada happened. At the point when you are in Rome make certain to see the gigantic curve of Titus remaining at the passageway to the Roman discussion which recognizes Titus' his triumph over Israel. Seeing the coming Holocaust, Jesus sobbed for Jerusalem as depicted in Matthew 23.

"The Ruler who is to come" is the Antichrist. He's the little horn of Daniel 7:8 and the Beast of Revelation l3.

A delay happens after the finish of the sixty-ninth "seven" and before the start of the 70th "seven".

At the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, 30 A.D., God's prophetic time clock halted. The hands stand ready at 69, demonstrating that there is as yet one seven-year time frame left.

We have no sign giving knowledge into how long until the 70th "seven" initiates. All things considered, long holes of forty years happened between the torturous killing and the pulverization. Today we are in the hole, trusting that the most recent seven years will start, yet in His Word, God has uncovered a lot of data concerning his arrangement for this "seven," so we can comprehend the occasions wherein we live.

You can peruse more about the hole in Luke 4:18-21, as Christ cites from Isaiah 61:12.

Prophecy 8 - Antichrist Rules

The Seventieth "Seven" (Daniel 9:27) starts when the antichrist makes a ceasefire with the country of Israel for a very long time.

"He" is "The Ruler of People Who Will Come". The Romans came in 70 A.D. The antichrist will be slid from them. "Many" alludes to the Jews and the country of Israel.

Daniel draws the layout of 70th seven; Jesus roughs in the image with the Olivet Discourse; John fills in subtleties with the Book of Revelation.

This is the reason we don't need to be confounded or astounded by what we find in Europe and the Middle East. I accept that God is planning to restart the clock. The groups are arranged and the ball is going to be snapped.

Incredibly, Israel has never been absorbed into another country. In 1948 Jews returned home from everywhere the world. Sociologically, this has never occurred with any individuals. When's the last time you saw a Babylonian strolling around? They're totally gone. Yet, not the Jews.

We're told somewhere else that the Jews will acknowledge the Peace Treaty with the Antichrist who rules Europe since they are frightful of the danger of the "Ruler of the North."

At the point when a Bible understudy sees Israel lined up with the West, and not the North or South or East, the individual in question isn't shocked! This is basically a typical issue. The groups are arranging. We may one day witness the Antichrist assuming responsibility for a ten-country alliance in Europe by curbing three countries.

By chance, the Jews will confuse the Antichrist with their coming Messiah and the start of harmony for the inception of the Millennium.

Notice that the Rapture doesn't restart God's prophetic clock. Nobody knows precisely when the Rapture may happen. It could come at any second.

Prophecy 9 - Antichrist Led by Satan - Abomination of Desolation

In the 70th "seven" (3 l/2 years, 42 months, l260 days) Satan tumbles from Heaven and inhabits the Antichrist (Revelation 12:9-12; 13:4).

At that point, the Antichrist breaks the ceasefire and completes two things:

1. He restricts the contribution of penances in the Temple (Daniel 9:27). This shows that Israel will have a Temple during this time.

2. He sets up the Abomination of Desolation on the special stepped area in the Holy Place in the Temple.

The Abomination of Desolation is referenced by Christ in Matthew 24:15-16. The Abomination of Desolation as depicted in the Old Testament alludes to anything which contaminates the Temple of God. The Abomination of Desolation is a restored picture of the Antichrist that the Antichrist powers individuals to adore as God or face demise (Revelation13).

Prophecy 10 - Great Tribulation

Jesus said that this is an indication for the authentic to escape. The Antichrist will at that point dispatch the best flood of Anti-Semitism that the world has ever observed.

Three and a half long periods of Great Tribulation will at that point start as the Antichrist attempts to completely destroy the Jews. As the hour of extraordinary adversity reaches a conclusion, Jesus gets back with the Armies of Heaven and thrashings the Antichrist (Revelation 19).

Prophecy 11 - Second Coming of Jesus

The Messianic Kingdom starts and the six attributes of Daniel 9:24 will happen.

Confused? Never, because of Daniel 9.

Today, we consider the to be of Israel as an express, its arrangement with the West, its ownership of Jerusalem, its arrangements to reconstruct the Temple, destined to be conveyed Iranian atomic rockets, and the beginnings of overall enemy of Semitism: which are all setting up the path for the Beast, Watch intently the ascent of the European Union,

We consider it to be as God setting up the scene for His program with Israel. We don't search for 70th seven. We search for our redemption (1 Thessalonians 1:10). We search for our favored expectation (Titus 2:13).

Here is a decent method to consider the Second Coming: "We plan like Jesus isn't desiring 1,000 years, however we live as though He is coming in the following 10 minutes." Israel's short term is edgy, yet she will atone and go to God, trust in the blood of Christ, and have a magnificent future with the Lord. Incidentally, a similar future is accessible to all who apply the blood of Christ to themselves.

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3 years ago


I don't know why I feel scared about end time but it must surely happen. It has to! For prophesy to be fulfilled

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice preaching. I remember this particular sermon last month in my church. Our vicar really emphasized on this. Thanks alot for remembering me. I learnt good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I remember Nebuchadnezzer the king of Babylon and the 70 years before the war ends. It the preaching last week in our church.

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3 years ago