Do you believe in the saying that " try and try until you succeed"? Because I do.
How will you achieve something when you give up easily because of one failed you've got.
Success is only for those people who work hard to reach it not for those people who want it in the first try.
Life is not easy! Many failure will come to test us.
Come to think of it. Many billionaire experienced a lot of failure too but look at them now they achieved want they want. I bet they tried it many times.
If you really want something work for it. One try is not enough! You failed? Then try again and again and again until you reach it. Dont give up because i know it's all worth it.
Failure defeats losers but it inspire winners so be the winner not the loser one!
Failure is not the opposite of success. It's part of success.
Well said madam😁👏