Art of Evening

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Avatar for MeriMoon
3 years ago

Life and nature come to a standstill in the obsession of evenii maya.In the light of Evening Maya, the human mind produces a mixed reaction of happiness and sorrow. In this lagna of evening obsession, it is as if the lightness of the thinker's mind is a beautiful invocation. The suppressed breath of the deprived is the bewildered affection of nature.

It seems that a skillful painter has drawn a mind blowing art with utmost care by unveiling his collection of colors. The fading a of the setting sun in the western sky.

Who brings people back home in the evening like a bird returning home. The evening draws the veil of a busy day and brings peace to the toiling life.

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$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for MeriMoon
3 years ago


There is an end to every work and time of human beings. Allah has created dawn day and night for the peace of human welfare. He has created everything. To see a beautiful world so that we can work for happiness all day long. He dragged his work nest to the twilight sky in the evening. When he returned home in the evening, everyone got rid of his fatigueSo evening is a very important time for us. We don't go out all day but in the evening we have a nice and safe house

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3 years ago

Thanks for reading my article .I am very glad dear. please always stay by side.

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3 years ago