Meaning of Friends

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Avatar for Menur0392
1 year ago

Image from by josephredfield

A friends is someone who can see our weakest side. He can accept us as we are without needing to see our attributes. Whether it's a profession, or what one has.

In making friends, we should not choose friends based on an artificial paradigm. For example, choosing to only be friends with those who come from the upper social class, or people who he deems worthy to be friends. If we base the choice of friends like that, the motive for making friends becomes very questionable. Maybe we don't really like them. Making friends should not be based on the principle of seeking profit in a career. True friendships come from people who may not benefit us in our careers. Instead, we benefit from genuine friendships. Without pretending.

Therefore, at the same time we must choose friends. Choose which friends can display real friendships. If we don't choose, we may be used by people who only see external attributes. People who don't really really care. As we get older, we can be more sensitive to know which people are on one frequency. In the end there was natural selection. We will be brought close to people in the same vibration because the older we get, the less time we will have to socialize. Especially if you work and have a family. Later, a priority arrangement will be formed. Which friends are indeed the same frequency to work and which ones are right to be friends only.

There will definitely be conflict. It is not present as a barrier but as a test. If there is a conflict in my friendship, I will usually be the first to find a solution. Although maybe the network of friends does not involve me in problems. I am often the first to ask what solutions can be done to resolve the conflict. I will also be the first to lighten up the atmosphere by inviting jokes or making the atmosphere less intense. Without ignoring the existence of the problem. We must be honest with what we don't like so that it can lead to conflict. This is so that friends can learn from each other what is unacceptable from each side. So, we can both understand each other's perspective. I think our ability to solve problems can be judged by how we can put our perspective in the perspective of other people's thinking. So, we don't see the conflict from our own point of view.

Friends can be like family. He can also be someone who makes us hurt. For example when he tells a painful truth for us. Sometimes we are not ready to hear someone's honesty. Until finally I can feel hurt because of the honesty. But in my opinion, a good friend is a friend who can speak honestly, as it is to us. Honesty is a very expensive thing. Friends who can be loyal to be my friends are people who have spoken honestly and have had disagreements. As an adult, I just realized that they are people whose opinions are very valuable to me. Those who dare to tell my mistakes. In my opinion, the person who justifies our mistakes just to please us, he is not a real friend. Friends who love us are friends who know that we deserve honesty because they know honesty is beneficial for us. Meanwhile, people who don't dare to be honest with us can be considered diplomatic friends. Obviously, true friendship is not just diplomacy.

Competition in friendship will also definitely be present. But true friends are friends who will continue to support us no matter how competitive they feel. In the end, real friends will still have feelings of pride in us and competition is not about bringing each other down. If someone is sincerely friends with us, he will want to see us progress, want to see our success. Those are positive friends and must be maintained. It's so hard to make friends like this. But once we get it, it's definitely not going anywhere as long as we don't leave either. Good friends will support the struggle and believe in what we stand for.

I myself am the type of friend who will be very honest as it is in conveying my disapproval of something my friend does. Unfortunately, many friends are not strong and usually they will drift away. My intention to convey the honesty is not because I don't like it and want to hurt him. On the other hand, I feel as a good friend he deserves honesty. Once upon a time there was a friend who had an argument with his girlfriend. I think he's overreacting. Then I will be honest about my opinion. Turns out he didn't accept it and walked away because he felt hurt. In fact, I didn't mean to hurt her. As a friend who cares for him, I feel the need to tell my value system that he deserves honesty when he makes mistakes. At that time, I felt he could have reacted better than that so what I said was not based on my dislike of him. But to help him realize what went wrong.

Humans are social creatures. From ancient times, the humans who could fight longer through the rigors of natural change were humans who grouped with other humans. We are given the gift of reason by God with the ability to have high empathy. This means that the ability to socialize has been in us since we were born. We are given tools to be able to understand other people's perspectives, to feel what other people feel. So actually we can use these tools to establish good relationships with other people.

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Avatar for Menur0392
1 year ago


According to my point of view, you are the reflection of the people around you. So choose your friends wisely

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1 year ago