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4 years ago

When Allah Almighty said to His angels that I am going to create a Caliph on earth. It would be Ashraf-ul-Mukhloqat, but the angels replied that humans would fight on the earth, blood and fights. Allah Almighty said to the angels that you do not know what I know. Now the first thing to think about is that Allaah has mentioned man for the first time in front of angels, and the angels have given a strange opinion about man. So the earth was brought down and man was made thin. Allah Almighty commanded the angels that when I enter my soul in Adam, you should prostrate to Adam. All the angels prostrated to Adam, but Iblis did not prostrate. Allah Almighty punished Iblis for his disobedience and, ousted him. Why did he put his arrogance against the command of Almighty Allah, and said that I am better than man. Man was created from mud, and I was created from fire. So I am better than human. Thus the devil became the greatest enemy of man till the Day of Resurrection. Allah Almighty created Eve for Adam's mercy. And He sent them both to Paradise, and said to them, "Eat wherever you please, but not near this tree." It was the first test taken from a human being in paradise. But human beings, in keeping with their wishes, disobeyed Allah's command and were expelled from Paradise.

Allah sent man into the world for a short time. Then what happened was that man made the world a wish for the fulfillment of his desires.

Created for worship and man came into the world and forgot the purpose of his own birth; he forgot his purpose and followed his desires.

Do not follow the wishes of the Almighty who has repeatedly said in the Quran. Those who follow their desires get turned away from the straight path and go astray.

In today's world where development is at its peak. There the deserter is running behind his desire. And the legitimate is active in fulfilling his small wishes. In these situations neither man can develop. Nor can he improve his coming time, his future. We hear and watch a lot of news on TV newspapers and social media every day. Humans go to any extent to satisfy their selfish desires, which is causing social evils.And behind them all is the great hand of unfulfilled desires

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4 years ago
