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Avatar for Memey22
3 years ago

So it’s been a week so it’s time to share some news. On Sept 27, at 11:12 am, I Cooper Kitty, merged with the infinite.

It’s been coming on for some time and I figured my roommates were in a good place to let it happen, so I said goodbye.

For those that don’t know I’ll tell you a quick version of how I found my best friends and roommates.

(So here’s the tale. )

I left home and went to live with my first roommate for about 3 years until a sudden family illness prompted her to drop me off at the local animal shelter. I’m a purebred man! I got papers!

🌺 My second roommates were a big family. The Mom was really sweet to me but the rest, very vocally, preferred dogs and didn’t like me at all. Well, one dog, Oreo. He was a big ol’ Pit Bull that didn’t much like me either. But... I did alright defending myself against him! He’ll need to spend the rest of his life with a very scarred up nose from the scratches I inflicted whilst being trapped under the dining room table on one of the chairs. A great defensive position btw.

🌺I lived with this family for about 3 months and finally the Mom decided that I, or they had had enough and I would have to find another place to live. That’s right, I was being evicted for my many “criminal” acts against this household.

Their charges were many.

1.) I like to be around people all the time but, because of Oreo’s bad attitude we couldn’t both be in the house at the same time.

2.) I like to be around people all the time so I wanted to sit with them on the furniture or on their laps. This was forbidden.

3.) You know. I like to be around people all the time so I wanted to sleep in their room with them. On the bed? Sure! Or heck, just in the same room. This too was strictly forbidden.

4.) The last and probably most heinous violation was that I loved boxes. Yes. Boxes. This apparently was some sort of crime of some sort in this household.

It was decided, I had to go. So, one day the Mom sat me on a dresser and took my picture. And just like a captive prisoner might do, I put everything they didn’t like about me through my eyes and into that photo. This photo was then put onto something called “Carl’s List” under the “General Household Items” right along with miscellaneous kitchenware and the odd yard tool.

*Apparently, as the story goes, one of my future roommates saw my picture and just how unhappy I was to be there. Over the next few nights she started having bad dreams about me! Something was dreadfully wrong she thought. So they decided to call my current family and ask if I was still there or if I had been put out onto the mean streets of Florida again to fend for myself. The Mom said “yes I was still there”, so these two jokers jumped in their car and headed for the other coast. I guess they thought they knew someone that needed a new roommate or at the very least The Devon Rex Rescue organization.

So when they get there I do the thing I’ve done my whole life, when someone comes in my house I MUST go and greet them. They seemed friendly enough and while the girl talked to the Mom the dude picks me up and gives me the twice over. He looked at my fur (which was immaculate as always) and in my mouth from my nose to the tip of my tail. He even flipped me over which only my best of buddies I allow to do. But he was cool about it.

After the family told their tale about how awful I was and all the “crimes” I had committed whilst under their roof, these two looked at each other and at me and we all knew. Her instinct was right. This was NOT the place for me.

The Mom asked if they had brought a carrier and they did (smarties!) and she sent the girl to grab it from the car. While she was away the Mom produced and small bag of treats and told the guy “he refuses to go in any carrier. The only way to get him to do it was to chuck a couple of the tasty treats in the open carrier and when he goes in to get them, that’s when you close the door.”

When the girl came back with the carrier and set it down on the floor I immediately dashed inside and laid down facing the open door. It was time to go! I knew it, the Mom knew it, the two strangers I had just met knew it. They zipped the door closed and we were off! It took a couple hours to get back to their house but I didn’t mind. The carrier was extremely comfy, and I knew I was on my way to something better. I chirped a couple times along the way just to let them know everything was cool.

When we got back to my new home it was really strange. They didn’t have a big dog, they liked to talk to me, a lot, and upon arrival they immediately took off my collar which was really digging into my nicely quaffed, curly fur.

Of my two new roommates I didn’t trust the guy so much. Probably because of the last few months I spent in the house with THAT guy who despised me. So I was a little more cautious. Cautiously optimistic let’s say. But for now they gave me my space as I checked out the new digs. Not too shabby! It took quite a long time and a lot of encouragement from these two roommates to get me back to feeling like a cat again. A brief side note: the Dad in the last family always called me Cat so I didn’t care for that. They picked up on that pretty quickly and never did use that word again with me the rest of my life.

These two were pretty cool and we got along swimmingly! After awhile they took me to a vet to get checked out and I guess I had some teeth problems, so the vet put me under and pulled the bad ones and also found out I was missing a few that either fell out or I had swallowed along the way. It was not a pleasant experience but in the end no big deal. The only other time I went to see a doctor was when I had trouble with the one tooth I still had in my head. It was that one that started giving me trouble. They were nice enough to drive me in and the tooth ended up being ok but the Dr. wouldn’t treat me unless they were allowed to give me a bunch of shots I didn’t even know I needed. Then we had to go back to get more shots to counteract the first shots! All of which made me really really sick. We three made a pact after that. No more of that. It was too much stress and there were things we just didn’t agree on with the Drs. The only way my two friends could get me to calm down was to drive around town in the car for a couple hours. Have I mentioned just how much I LOVE to ride in the car!? It’s the best!!

After all that we settled into each other. It took a little time but we soon became a pack. I think you all call it a family? That was us! We went everywhere together. Did I mention how much I like riding in cars? When I could go with them on some trips, like when the guy roommate had a Dr. visit in California and other parts unknown, my roommate’s Sister would come and stay with me in my house! How cool was that?

Yep. I had my forever family. They told me I was good all the time, bought me really good foods and toys and made a huge kitty tree that ran around high and low on three sides of our living room walls! The toys were a nice gesture but, I still preferred the boxes that they came in. And what’s wild was every box I sat in at home was the perfect size! How does that happen? Big or small I liked to sit and hide and play in them all.

Of course the stories can go on forever with things we did together. But as I said in at the beginning, this is the quick version.

I’ll end this tale like this. Every story has and end and this is mine; we were a complete pack that loved and cared and watched over each other for the next ten+ years.

(It was a good life!)


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Avatar for Memey22
3 years ago


It's a good story about a good and active life. All the best to you kitty. If you ask me you have many lives more to live. It's a cat thing. Enjoy your crimes. 🍀

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3 years ago