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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...

After the fights and the quarrels whats next? Do we come to a conclusion or we go into keeping grudges, you've wronged me and I dislike you for that, now I don't talk to you anymore and you do the same, I'm gonna show you that you mean nothing to me, I can do without you. Grudges has a way of causing a bad aura around us especially with the person around. The mind is made in such a way that when somethings pains us so much, we've just got to let it out, before it starts eating deeper into us and making us uncomfortable.

Sometimes it's just best we cut ties with some people, because such persons has proven to be toxic to you and your well being, however its best you cut ties when your mind is already at ease. Sometimes you cut ties with someone you truly care about and you see yourself lost in thoughts wishing it all went down easier, why not pick up the phone and make that call, get angry, pour your hearts out, you did this to me and I'm seriously not happy with you, say what it is you have in mind to say, ease yourself off the stress of carrying a burden that you could easily let go off.

However the persons response comes out, doesn't matter much, what matters is you've said your piece and you've eased yourself. Treat your mind as conscious as you treat your urinary bladder, when you feel like some liquid needs to be let out, we don't go No Way, I need to train my bladder to be discipline, however its my body and I can train it, no that way we are only risking our health, its toxic liquid at that point to the body and so we seek how to get it out. Similarly grudges are toxic to the mind, they take spaces that should belong to peace in your mind and so we must seek how to let it out and fast.

Most times we think the other person is also having grudges against us so why should I be the one to go and let mine out, well there are a few reasons why you should be the one to let yours out. Firstly it shows that you're a good person, who doesn't like to be in a place of strife and anger, you want peace to reign at all cost. Secondly you're mainly helping yourself., have you noticed how many wrong thoughts fills your mind the moment you see the person approaching, do you seriously want to continue like that, it's past time to just let go, moreover the reason why we are pained is mainly because we fill for that person, such a person is indeed important to us.

Anger should last for a moment, why let it linger for days, what happens when we sleep. As long as the actions committed doesn't have a lasting effect on you, you haven't incurred a recurring injury that would always build up more anguish at the sight, then make out time to ease off the hate. Moreover some people who have been wrongly injured, still have found a way around it, and have let go of the hate just to get their life back again, forgiveness is a good feeling, its part of our earthly assurance that we are trying our best to be as good as possible. We were wronged but all the same we forgive just to make peace again.

We mostly have grudges with people who are close to us, and this is a reason to why grudges is bad, why end a relationship that has been existing, what event should end your times of laugher and fun, when you both we having a nice time, do you love those moments, your memories do long for those times again, but your heart has been hardened, no more, I'm angry, I dislike her, his a bad person, but then what does your heart truly say, oh I miss him though, I wish he didn't do that, I wish she didn't say such words, but you can call it off.

Why not say things out as you feel, why not call their attention to what you feel is bad as tell them to change it, however it remains their choice to change it or not, but then I've told you before, but you refused. Rather than just swallow and hope they know they have done something wrong. Was it intentional, do they know you're angry? Say things out and let joy reign, be a reason why there are not grudges in a relationship, be open to airing your feelings so they too can do the same when need be. Let's ease the hate and let love lead.

Superb feeling writing to you all, click the like logo, feel free to comment your opinion and subscribe lovelies. God bless.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...


very nice

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