Healthy brownies here!

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Avatar for Mehnaz
Written by
3 years ago

Hello fellas!I'm back with another recipe.😁We all more or less like brownies.But it has a lots and lots of calories.Good to know,we got healthier versions of brownies which taste as good as the original recipe.I'm sharing mine today.I made it a couple of days ago.


1.Oats-3/4 cup

2.Butter-1/2 cup

3.Egg-1 large

4.Coco powder-1 tbsp

5.Choco chips-1/2 cup

6.Salt-1 tsp

7.Vanilla essence-1 tsp

8.Ovaltin or any sweetened chocolate powder-2 tbsp

Sugar is optional.I didn’t use any more sugar as my choco chips were sweetened.

I used walnuts and cashew nuts for enhancing the taste.


1.Take the choco chips and butter in a bowl and melt it well.I used microwave for this.Mix it well.

2.Take the other ingredients one by one and prepare the batter.You don't need to beat much in case of brownie batter.

3.Place the batter in a mold.Garnish it with some choco chips and bake it for 25 minutes at 180 degree celcius in a preheated oven.Cool it down and cut into small pieces.You're ready to snack!

Thank you!

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Avatar for Mehnaz
Written by
3 years ago
