Why is the headache?

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3 years ago

Headaches are inextricably linked with daily life. About 20 percent of children and adolescents suffer from headaches each year. Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital. MS Zahirul Haque Chowdhury said, not all headaches are migraines. Headaches can also be caused by myopia, brain tumors, etc.

There are mainly two types of headaches

Primary headaches, such as migraines, tension type headaches, cluster headaches, etc. Secondary headaches, such as sinusitis, mastoiditis, glaucoma, stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, etc.

Treatment and remedies

Treatment is given according to the type or cause of the headache. For this, first it is necessary to diagnose the disease.

Here are some ways to get rid of migraines:

* Sleep at a certain time every day and it should be moderate.

* Do not work in excess or low light.

* Avoid harsh sun or severe cold.

* Do not stay in a loud and noisy environment for long.

* Do not stay in front of the computer monitor and TV for a long time.

Once the migraine has started, drink plenty of water (especially if you are vomiting), rest, and wrap your head in a cold cloth.

Foods that help prevent migraines:

* Magnesium rich foods, such as: Dhemki trimmed rice, potatoes and barley are migraine resistant.

* Various fruits especially dates and figs relieve pain.

* Green, yellow and orange vegetables are beneficial to play regularly.

* Calcium and Vitamin D help prevent migraines. Sesame, flour and beets are rich in calcium.

* Ginger pieces or juice can be eaten twice a day mixed with ginger powder in water.

What foods to avoid:

* Tea, coffee and soft drinks

* Chocolate, ice cream, yogurt, dairy products (milk, butter)

* Do not eat tomatoes and citrus fruits

* Wheat foods, such as: bread, pasta, bread, etc.

* Apples, bananas and peanuts

Keep that in mind

However, different foods can cause problems in different individuals. So it is best to keep a diary. So that you can take note of which foods and which side events increase or decrease the pain. If you make a note like this for a week, you will get your own solution. However, if the pain is more, you must consult a doctor.

Headache due to sinusitis

People who have frequent colds and coughs get this type of headache from sinusitis. Then you can take hot water steam. In this way you will get some comfort, the feeling of closing the nose will also be quite cut. The nose needs to be cleaned very well. However, if home remedies do not work, you may need to take antibiotics and antihistamines on the advice of a doctor. People who are allergic to dust should avoid exposure to dust. Whenever anyone has a cold problem, always make sure that the nose is cleaned properly. Eating habits have little to do with the pain of sinusitis. There is no reason for this pain to increase due to light or sound.

Eye headaches

5 percent of headaches are eye-related. Headaches can occur if the eyesight is low. Studying for a long time, sewing, watching movies or looking at the computer screen can cause headaches. Headaches can also be caused by any eye disease. Ocular headaches usually occur in the eyes, on both sides of the forehead or behind the head An eye specialist should be consulted.

Hormonal headaches

Hormonal fluctuations during menstruation in girls can cause headaches. This can happen even if you take birth control pills.

Home Remedies for Headaches:

Drinking water: Dehydration can often cause headaches. So if you feel a headache, you have to drink a lot of water. Besides, fresh fruit juice and water rich food should be eaten.

Eat food on time: People who eat enough nutritious food at the right time have a lower risk of unnecessary headaches. The brain needs glucose to function properly and headaches occur if the required nutrients are not supplied to the brain in time.

Adequate sleep: An adult needs six to eight hours of sleep a day. Headaches can occur if you have trouble sleeping and do not get enough sleep

Rest: You should rest for some time with your eyes closed during work. Reducing the light in the room, sitting or lying on a chair or bed and resting for some time will reduce the headache.

Bath with hot water: If you have a headache, you can get relief by taking a bath with lukewarm water. Pouring lukewarm water on the head, neck and shoulders cools the head and neck muscles and reduces headaches.

Smile: Smile is very useful in relieving mild headaches. The hormone endorphins, which make you feel good when you smile, are released in the brain. Endorphins help reduce headaches.

Breathe deeply: Breathing deeply helps relieve pain. Breathing in fresh air will help reduce headaches naturally.

Take a break from depression: Move away from situations where stress seems to be on the rise. To avoid such a situation, you can walk from an open space or do something that will help relieve stress.

Author: Physician

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago


headaches is a very serious problem in our health

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Headaches are inextricably linked with daily life. About 20 percent of children and adolescents suffer from headaches

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drinking water: Dehydration can often cause headaches. So if you feel a headache, you have to drink a lot of water. Besides, fresh fruit juice and water rich food should be eaten

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good articles.. like it . Write more articles to get success

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Headache is very affected site..... There will be created frustration...... And very dangerous for Human being

$ 0.00
3 years ago

headache is a serious problem in our heath.. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice broo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Magnesium rich foods, such as: Dhemki trimmed rice, potatoes and barley are migraine resistant.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In fact, you wrote an article on an important topic. Thanks we actually know. It's like a lot of accidents happen

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3 years ago