Science in Everyday Life

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago

The present age is the age of science. We see the blessings of science in every walk of our life. Science has become an inseparable part of our life. It has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot lead a single moment without science.

The invention of electricity is a great wonder of science. It is a source of energy. They whole world depends on this power. This power runs radio, TV, fans, lights, mills and so on.

Modern transport system is a great blessing of science. It has brought the world closer. The development of rich transportation helps us to travel any country within shortest possible time. Buses, aeroplanes, trucks, trains, cars, launches etc. Are the gifts of science.

Modern science has given us telephone, mobile, fax, email etc. They are the surprising gifts of science. These gifts help us to communicate to any country in a moment. Now message can be sent within seconds. Thus it saves our time.

Science plays an important role in medical sector. It has invented X-ray and ECG to diagnose diseases. It has invented wonderful medicine to save human life. It has lessened mortality rate. It has controlled population growth.

We have got wonderful gifts from science for agricultural production. Tractors, power tillers, pumps to make our land fertile. Chemicals, fertilizers and insecticides help us to raise bumper crops.

We cannot do anything in education without the help of science. Printing presses, paper mills, newspapers, books etc. Are the gifts of science. They help us to widen our horizon of knowledge. Uses of computer and Internet spread education.

Science has conquered the space. Main has already gone to the moon. It has invented rocket.

However, science also has some demerits. It has discovered some deadly weapons like atom bomb. Men use the deadly weapons and kill other people. Hiroshima and Nagasaki bear the testimony of it. Besides, many scientific inventions pollute our environment.

In the end, we can say that we cannot imagine our life without the help of science. The inventions should be used only for ewelfar of manikind. For this, we have to change our beastlike nature. Then every invention of science will be a blessing for us.

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago


We have got wonderful gifts from science for agricultural production. Tractors, power tillers, pumps to make our land

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you sister

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Never copy and comment.

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3 years ago

Science is one of the promises for our lives. Because science has taught us a lot. Many great scientists have discovered many new technologies. Thank them very much. What is unknown to us We can easily know that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Science is most important in our daily life . Now a days we are just stand on the Invention of science . Good one article .go ahead thanks

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Why did you make such a small comment?

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3 years ago