International Mother Language Day

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3 years ago

The Holy Qur'an mentions that the mother tongue is a heavenly gift. In this sense, the mother tongue is so important that the people of a country express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions and emotions clearly.

February 21st is a memorable day in our national life. Every year on this day the whole nation comes to the Shaheed Minar and this traditional ceremony seems to be a ceremony for the purification of the soul. On this day in 1952, the son of a Bengali mother is interested in the mother tongue Gave up their lives to save.

Every year people from all walks of life come to the Shaheed Minar and pay their respects.The government, various organizations and institutions organized various events to celebrate the day.

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We have not got this mother tongue so easily. For this language, the people of our country have snatched this mother tongue with the fresh blood of their breasts. In exchange for the blood of millions of martyrs, we have got our language. We pay our respects to the martyrs

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3 years ago

As a result of declaring 21st February as the International Mother Language Day, the importance of all the languages ​​of the world has increased. As a result, all the nations and groups of the world became aware of the need to protect the dignity of the mother tongue. In this way, the consciousness of individuality will come in the national culture of every country. At the same time the responsibility of Bengali language and Bengali also increased. The great martyr's day of the Bengali nation is no longer confined to Bengal. From country to country, from nation to nation, Ekushey February is now universal.

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3 years ago

the mother tongue is so important. every year on this day the whole nation comes to the Shaheed Minar

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3 years ago