Find out what happens when you eat any vegetable

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago

Carrots are a winter vegetable. But now it is available almost all year round. Nutritious carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. Carrots have many health benefits-

1. Reduces the risk of cancer: Carrots are cancer resistant.

Carrots enhance memory, reduce the risk of cancer and keep the heart healthy


Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet Decision to close school-restaurant in New York increases infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet Decision to close school-restaurant in New York increases infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet Decision to close school-restaurant in New York increases infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Home / Lifestyle / Improves memory, reduces the risk of cancer and keeps the heart healthy Carrots

Published: September 29, 2020 12:09 Online version

Carrots enhance memory, reduce the risk of cancer and keep the heart healthy

Online desk

Carrots enhance memory, reduce the risk of cancer and keep the heart healthy

Carrots are a winter vegetable. But now it is available almost all year round. Nutritious carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. Carrots have many health benefits-

1. Reduces the risk of cancer: Carrots are cancer resistant.

Studies have shown that eating carrots regularly reduces the risk of lung, breast and colon cancer.

2. Helps to improve eyesight: Carrots contain high amounts of beta carotene. This beta carotene reaches the liver and is converted to vitamin A, which boosts the immune system. Helps to increase eyesight.

3. Keeps the heart healthy: Carrots are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants that help keep the heart healthy. These elements do not allow any lining to form on the arteries of the heart. At the same time it helps to keep the blood circulation normal.

4. Keeps teeth well: Carrots are also very beneficial for dental health.

Dhaka, Tuesday, October 6, 2020


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Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet The decision to close school-restaurants in New York increases the infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet The decision to close school-restaurants in New York increases the infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Headline Bullet Peace process cannot start without Turkey: Azerbaijan

Headline Bullet 'Rocket attack on Iraq to legitimize US military presence'

Bahrain and the UAE will not get anything by recognizing Israel

Headline Bullet Trump will leave the hospital and join the campaign at the White House soon

Headline Bullet Support for Palestine will continue: Kuwait

Headline Bullet Corona, White House press secretary, is attacked

Headline Bullet Decision to close school-restaurant in New York increases infection again

Headline Bullet Overnight shelling on Kashmir border, Indian army killed in Pakistani attack

India successfully tests submarine destroyer missiles

Headline Bullet Feeling better than 20 years ago: Trump

Home / Lifestyle / Improves memory, reduces the risk of cancer and keeps the heart healthy Carrots

Published: September 29, 2020 12:09 Online version

Carrots enhance memory, reduce the risk of cancer and keep the heart healthy

Online desk

Carrots enhance memory, reduce the risk of cancer and keep the heart healthy

Carrots are a winter vegetable. But now it is available almost all year round. Nutritious carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. Carrots have many health benefits-

1. Reduces the risk of cancer: Carrots are cancer resistant.

Studies have shown that eating carrots regularly reduces the risk of lung, breast and colon cancer.

2. Helps to improve eyesight: Carrots contain high amounts of beta carotene. This beta carotene reaches the liver and is converted to vitamin A, which boosts the immune system. Helps to increase eyesight.

3. Keeps the heart healthy: Carrots are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants that help keep the heart healthy. These elements do not allow any lining to form on the arteries of the heart. At the same time it helps to keep the blood circulation normal.

4. Keeps teeth well: Carrots are also very beneficial for dental health.

Carrot juice helps to strengthen teeth. In addition, it contains vitamin C, which maintains the health of the gums. Carrots are also very useful in solving problems like swollen gums and bleeding from teeth.

5. Improves memory: Carrots are rich in beta carotene which prevents brain damage. So eat more carrots to increase energy in the brain.

From diabetes to diarrhea, there are many benefits to eating cucumber

Cucumber is a very familiar vegetable. This vegetable is available almost all the year round. It can be eaten without salad. Many people eat its curry.

Its calories are very low. 100 grams of cucumber has 13 calories.

Let's take a look at the benefits of eating cucumber.

1. Cucumber is essential for everyone from diabetes to diarrhea. Cucumber maintains water balance in extreme heat. As a result, there is no substitute for cucumber to keep the body alive.

2. Cucumbers should be eaten if you have indigestion, acidity, anorexia, gastritis, liver and pancreatic problems.

3. Arthritis Heart disease Cucumber works well in preventing osteoporosis and constipation.

4. Cucumber contains fistin, an anti-inflammatory compound that helps prevent Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases in the elderly.

5. In addition, this well-known vegetable can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other inflammatory diseases.

The nutritional value and benefits of karla

Karala (karalla, uchcha, uchche) is a type of fruit and vegetable. Its juice is very useful in preventing allergies. It is also good for diabetics. It is possible to control blood sugar by drinking karla juice regularly every day. In addition to the sufficient amount of beta carotene in karla, it has many properties. Now find out, more nutritional and benefits of karla-

It contains twice as much beta carotene as broccoli. Beta carotene is beneficial in maintaining good eyesight and solving eye problems. Karala contains a lot of iron. Iron helps make hemoglobin. Spinach has twice the amount of calcium and banana has twice the amount of potassium. Calcium is essential for maintaining good teeth and bones. Potassium is needed to maintain blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. Karala contains sufficient amount of Vitamin-C. Vitamin C is essential for skin and hair.

Vitamin C provides protein and iron to our body and builds immunity against viruses and bacteria. Fiber-rich karla reduces constipation. Karala contains Vitamin-B complex, Magnesium, Folic acid, Zinc, Phosphorus, Magnesium.

Helps to cure diseases. Put karla in the diet of diabetic patients. Karala contains polypeptide P, which helps in controlling blood and urine sugar levels. With the advice of a doctor, you can eat karla juice and karla siddha. It is beneficial for various blood disorders such as scabies and ringworm. Helps in blood purification. Helps prevent skin diseases and infections.

Benefits of Karala leaf juice Karala leaf juice is very beneficial. Builds immunity, protects against various types of infections. Karala leaf juice also helps to increase energy and stamina. If the liver is damaged by the habit of drinking too much alcohol, the juice of the leaves in the problem works great. In case of blood disorder, you can mix lemon juice and karla leaf juice. You can eat it by mixing honey in the juice of karla leaves. Helps to reduce problems like asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis. It is possible to prevent the problem of psoriasis, fungal infections.

There are 10 benefits to playing gourd

Winter means temperature fluctuations. There are also various germs dapadapi. As a result, it does not take time to break the body due to the attack of various diseases. And in such a situation, there is no alternative to Lau to keep the body safe from various diseases. Studies show that laurel contains large amounts of vitamins C, B and D, as well as calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, iron and potassium, which play an important role in keeping the body healthy. With that, the body gets many more benefits. Suppose-

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness

Several studies have shown that either by making curry or by eating gourd, the level of fiber in the body starts to increase. As a result, hunger is reduced. At the same time, the amount of eating naturally decreases. And the less you lose weight the faster you play, the more you wait.

Decreased stress levels in the blink of an eye

The larynx contains a type of neurotransmitter called the colon, which increases the performance of the brain as soon as it enters the body. As a result, the stress level naturally decreases. At the same time, the risk of developing multiple mental disorders, including depression, is reduced. Incidentally, in the last few decades, the tendency to suffer from various diseases due to stress and anxiety has increased dramatically. Needless to say, the need to include lentils in the daily diet has also increased.

Reduces the incidence of constipation and various stomach ailments

Due to uncontrolled eating and drinking, indigestion and heartburn are the daily companions of Bengalis. There is a problem like constipation on him. In such a situation, it is safe to say that there is no alternative to Lau to make the stomach strong. This is because this vegetable contains a lot of water and fiber, which not only improves digestion, but also plays a special role in reducing the incidence of diseases like constipation.

The risk of dehydration decreases

There is no substitute for water to keep the body strong. Because if the body does not get the water it needs for a long time, various diseases occur. That is why we need to take care so that there is no shortage of water inside the body. And this is exactly the reason why there must be pumpkin in the rice leaves! In fact, this vegetable contains a lot of water, which plays a special role in meeting the lack of water in the body, as well as reducing the risk of problems such as dehydration.

Blood pressure is under control

It is very important for those who are suffering from problems like high blood pressure to have one or the other term made with pumpkin in their diet! This is because it contains some nutrients that play an important role in keeping blood pressure normal. And if the blood pressure is normal, the heart health also gets better. And it goes without saying that when the heart is strong, the overall life expectancy also increases.

Diseases like insomnia run away

Several studies have shown that most Bengalis do not get enough sleep due to their eating habits at night. Problems like insomnia or insomnia naturally come to the fore as this happens day after day. So if you do not want to be affected by such a disease, then do not be late to make friends with Lau! Because multiple studies have shown that if you start eating pumpkin regularly, especially pumpkin juice, the problem of insomnia is eliminated. As a result, there is no risk of sleepless nights.

The beauty of the skin is enhanced

Some of the special ingredients present in the laurel that enter the body show that the skin becomes healthy from the inside. As a result, beauty increases. With that, the problem of oily skin also comes under control. This is why it is recommended to eat laurel juice or any of the terms made with this vegetable every day. Incidentally, there are several more benefits to eating pumpkin. For example, the chances of excessive sweating are reduced. At the same time, there is no risk of getting skin diseases like acne.

Cools the body

Many times the internal temperature of the body rises considerably, which is not good at all. That's why you should eat pumpkin juice 2-3 days a week regularly! In fact, this vegetable contains a lot of water, as well as a lot of minerals, which keep the body cool as well as remove the harmful toxic elements present inside the body. As a result, the risk of contracting various diseases is reduced. Similarly, there is no possibility of increase in temperature or inflammation inside the body.

Decreased incidence of diseases like urinary tract infections

Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time of year due to an increase in the levels of various harmful germs in the environment. The risk of urinary tract infection, especially in girls, is multiplied. That's why you must eat lai juice regularly at the beginning of winter! Because there is no substitute for laurel to control any type of infection. Not only that, this vegetable has a lot of water in it, so it is very good to urinate, so the risk of getting a disease like UTI is reduced a lot.

Improves immunity

Several studies have shown that mixing lemon juice with laurel juice every day improves the body's resistance to disease. As a result, the risk of infection as well as various diseases, big and small, is reduced. Now you must have realized how important it is to make friends with Lau during the weather change!

In hot weather, not only to keep the body cool, but also to prevent muscle loss

I love pumpkins so much so I ate lots of pumpkins last week. At lunch there was pumpkin or milk. The milk is called bottle gord in English because it looks like a bottle.

And this special food list made with gourd had gram lentils with gourd, cold raita of gourd and peel of gourd and a sprouted gram curry. Although this grain is not very expensive, the pumpkin is my favorite. Why? Although gourd has many nutritional properties, gourd is my favorite because of its beautiful smell, sweet taste and its various qualities.

First, the gourd is a hot vegetable with plenty of water (98 percent), so it is very cold. In addition, it contains a lot of potassium which helps in controlling the blood pressure of our body and maintaining the balance of electrolytes in the body.

Lau relieves fatigue and cools and refreshes the body in hot weather. In summer we sweat a lot and our body loses electrolytes with water so playing lau eliminates fatigue. Lau is a very good detoxifier that stops bleeding from the nose and prevents any rashes or ulcers on the skin. Detoxifiers help to remove various nasty and harmful substances from the body.

Eat this vegetable with juice without eating it whole

Lau contains many essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Iron, Folate and Manganese. What many of us may not know is that lentils are rich in vitamin C. From 250 grams of pumpkin we get 25 mg of vitamin C, about half of what we need throughout the day.

The antioxidants in vitamin C prevent cells from damaging our body cells, regulate blood cholesterol levels, keep the brain active, and produce collagen in the body. Collagen is a protein that strengthens the tissues of our body.

The vitamin C and zinc we get from gourd helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. Lau contains vitamin B which is effective in preventing premature hair growth. Zinc keeps our nerves well and prevents colds, coughs and fevers.

Since pumpkins are easily digested, when our digestive system is a little weak in summer, it is easily digested by eating pumpkins. The vegetable helps in digestion as it contains soluble and insoluble fiber. So constipation is eliminated by playing gourd, gourd helps to get rid of heartburn and heals hemorrhoids. Lau eliminates nausea and vomiting. Because lau is high in water and fiber, it keeps our digestive system and intestines healthy.

Indigestion is reduced as pumpkin stops excess bile.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. 100 grams of lau contains 15 calories. Lau also contains vitamins, minerals and nutritious fiber so that our body gets enough nutrition and eliminates the tendency or desire to eat untimely. Vitamin K in lau helps in digestion.

Chola dal with gourd is also good and beneficial in taste

Lau keeps the liver well. In this age when we eat many kinds of harmful foods, it is very important to keep the liver healthy. According to Ayurveda, pumpkin keeps the liver well and prevents swelling of the liver.

Many may not believe that pumpkin cools and relaxes the body. Laue contains a neurotransmitter called choline which keeps the brain fresh so there is no mental instability, depression and any other mental agitation. To keep the brain fresh and in a good mood, there is no comparison to a cheap vegetable like lentils.

Eat juice!

Eat this vegetable juice without cooking. The juice of this vegetable is more easily available as it is so easy to make lau juice. Everyone can eat pumpkin juice, especially for those who suffer from diabetes, pumpkin juice is very useful because it lowers blood sugar and blood pressure balance.

It is beneficial to drink laurel juice after physical exertion

How to make

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Now mix a little black pepper, salt and mint leaves with it. Add one teaspoon of ginger with it. Eat the last few drops with lemon juice.

It is beneficial to drink laurel juice after physical exertion. This is because the amount of glucose and carbohydrates in our body decreases after any physical activity, which helps to fix it again. Lau also returns electrolytes to the body.

Lau returns electrolytes to the body

Bottle gourd and ginger juice together prevents muscle wasting and keeps the muscles healthy, as these juices contain potassium and other antioxidants that nourish and relax the body's muscles. So it is very beneficial to eat pumpkin two to three times a week during the pumpkin season.

Thanks for watching.

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago


wow really your article is very informative and good writing skill. keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing writing keep it up dear please approve to bd buddies group

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Carrots are a winter vegetable. But now it is available almost all year round. Nutritious carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. Carrots have many health benefits-

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing important article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really vegetables are very costly price because of rainin, corona & also reason..... we don't action against it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Important article

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3 years ago

Thank you friend for sharing an important article with us. You actually wrote a ticker that we can learn a lot from

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3 years ago