A Visit to an Industrial Fair

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago

Some days ago I had the opportunity to pay a visit to the Industrial Fair held in Dhaka. It was organized jointly by the Department of Industry and Export Promotion Bureau of the Government of people's Republic of Bangladesh.

The sit selected for the fair was very attractive and suitable for the purpose. A large pandal covering a wide area was erected. Different stalls were set up for different kinds of exhibits and each of these stalls was separated from others by means of fencing. There were passages between two stalls through which the visitors passed from one stall to another. The exhibits were good arrangements for lighting, music and sports. All these made the fair really attractive to the visitors highly satisfied with the discipline maintained everywhere.

As I went round the fair seeing the different exhibits, I fell like being in a strange world. At first I saw the products of visitors cottage industries. Many exhibits of high excellence were prominently displayed with the name of the products labeled on them. Demonstration on silk manufacturing process took place in a corner of the fair ground. A prominent place among the exhibits. They appeared to me of greater practical value and showed the progress that our jute industry has made in recent years.

Then I saw a number of scientific machinery invented by our young teachnicians and men of science. The speciality of these machines lay in the fact that they were quite suited to our needs and conditions. Besides these, various implements of agriculture were exhibited at one place. Tractors, wedding and threshing machines and windowing instructions were also shown to the people.

Chittagong port. A miniature steamship and railway engine drew a large number of children. But the most interesting feature of the fair was a model telephone system with an exchange office placed at the center of the ground. There was also a section known as took part in it and sent exhibits from different parts of the country. People also purchased various useful and attractive articles from the stalls and encouraged the products by the appreciated of their products. I spent full six hours visiting the Industrial Fair and learning and enjoying a world of things. I left it long after nightfall with a feeling of joy and wonder.

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Avatar for Meghla96
3 years ago


Good article writing. I never go anytime to see industrial fair. 😞 If again its held then i want to go. Thank you

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3 years ago

Thanks for reading and commenting

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3 years ago

I want to go industrial fair

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3 years ago

Thanks for reading

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3 years ago