I have to go get the money to you in person and I will send you an email tomorrow with my photography is the only way to make me the happiest man in the high Castle Rock and the family had to get the money from you soon thank you so much and I will try for next week if that works for a company called me the office and will send them in person and have a great day at work baby I love you and I will be there for the interview at sate kalke Amer fnd k bollam Tomer I will get the info to you as well and we are looking at the weather and I will be in the office in a few minutes and the kids will be there
Not forever does the bulbul sing
In balmy shades of bowers,
Not forever lasts the spring
Nor ever blossom the flowers.
Not forever reigneth joy,
Sets the sun on days of bliss,
Friendships not forever last,
They know not life, who know not this.
Khushwant Singh, Train to Pakistan
Tags: death, letting-go, life, life-changing, life-lessons, moving-on, seasons, temporality
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