Good student

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Teachers Define What A Good Student Means To Them Q&A

October 25, 2017

Every teacher has his or her own definition of a good student, but some common qualities mentioned by MHS teachers revolved around work ethic, positivity and a passion for learning. Here’s how MHS teachers answered the question:“What is your definition of a good student?”


Mike Hickey, science teacher: A good student is one who reflects on how his/her learning is causing personal change.  Whether that change is in knowledge, attitude, skill-level or behavior, the good student takes time to note how their interaction with the discipline has moved them from where they once stood.


Nancy Toland, P.E. teacher: All students have the potential to be “good” students; it comes down to choices.  Students who make good choices tend to do better in their academics and extracurricular activities.  These good choices then transfer from their school day to all aspects of their lives.  It all comes down to character and doing what’s right, especially when it’s not easy.  Good students set goals and work hard to follow through to their individual potentials.  Good students seek out help when needed and assist others without hesitation or being asked.  Basically, good students are role models of good choices.


Susan Theotokatos, social studies teacher:[A good student is] someone who is engaged in class, in the material and is enthusiastic about learning, NOT about getting a particular grade.  A good student is someone who learns from mistakes and seeks improvement.


Dave Whitson, P.E. teacher: I would describe a good student as a student who comes to class and does his or her best on gathering as much information as they can and are willing to help and collaborate with others. They utilize their time wisely in class and understand the importance of time management. A good student will always be on time and present. They will advocate for themselves and others. They will be prepared for class and be resilient in their quest for learning as much as possible instead of just securing the correct answer. The good student will understand the relevance to the purpose of learning new information and make it connect to their lives. They don’t necessarily have to have the highest grade in the class, but having the above-mentioned qualities will certainly lead to academic success.


Hayley Hoffmeyer, math teacher: A good student is a great advocate for themselves. They know that it is important to get to class on time, complete homework assignments and, most importantly, they know to ask for help when they need it.


Christopher Michalides, science teacher: A “good student” fits whatever goal the student sets for him/herself. Turning in homework consistently defines a good student. Attending school every day defines a good student. Looking after one’s friends defines a good student. All MHS students are “good students.” The difference is that all students are “good” in their own unique ways.


Arti Bhandari, science teacher: [A good student has] perseverance and responsible integrity.


Jim Drier, English teacher: [A good student is] curious, open-minded, a follower of the Golden Rule, authentic, the opposite of a grade grubber and willing to share.


Elizabeth Willis, English teacher: My definition of a “good student” is one who is academically honest, who takes responsibility for his/her learning and who is curious about the way the world works.


Mary Plucinski, social studies teacher: [A good student is] one who asks questions because they are curious, one who is not solely focused on their grade but on actual learning.


Jesse Piland, social studies teacher: The definition of a good student is as individual as the students themselves.  In general, I would say a a good student is one who makes the most out of their time here at MHS, accepts responsibility for their learning and brings with them personality and energy into the classroom.


Jamie Brongiel, science teacher: I think a good student is both hardworking and willing to make mistakes. A good student understands that learning isn’t always easy, but trying your best will get you to where you need to be. When students are willing to ask questions and make mistakes, that is when true learning happens.


Mark Michalski, science teacher: I was once told a saint is a sinner who kept on trying. I feel like a good student, to me, is similar. A good student is one who fails but keeps on trying. While failure is not a requirement, I find that I would hold those who need to work hard, and do, in higher esteem than those who have a natural gift or ability. Never give up!


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