How to build a solid friendship

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Avatar for Mckaizerking
3 years ago

Hello guys🤗👋👋

I want to share something that we completely known which is friendship.

A friendship is a ship that will never sink to the bottom of sea just like titanic. Shakespeare once said, " a friend is worth a thousand relatives". Also, there was a said which is " money can buy anything, but true friendship cannot be buy by money". So what I am going to say here is that friends are priceless and cannot be bought.

So firstly, to build a solid friendship, we must first start from beginning that is "love 💕💕". Love is a foundation for everything in this world. Without love, there would not be unity in human race. Point is, the relationship of friendships is strengthened by love. Obviously, friendship will be able to weather many theatrical storms that life brings.

Moreover, loyalty is also needed to build a solid friendship. Friends must be loyal to one another. We should not leave our friend stranded when they have problems that they cannot solve by themselves. Do not act like a drama king who pretends to be one's friend, only when the person is having beautiful sunrise in life. Just like one of Bruno Mars' songs entitled "count on me", " you can count on me like 1,2,3 I'll be there, cause that's what friends are supposed to be." Loyalty says "I'm in" when others say "I'm out".

Next, sharing and listening are also essential in building solid friendship. As a friend, we must have something that we want to share. By sharing experience, possession, fun and life, understanding will occur between one another in friendship. Sometimes, we also have to be a good listener who listen to every single problem that our friend is facing. That is why at times, silence is golden. Listen up instead. Our friends are like stereo that plays happy songs and sad songs, we should listen to their music and soothe them as well.

Last but not least, acceptance. As a friend, we should accept our friends' behavior, personal background and appearance just the way they are. The most important thing is their heart. Maybe, they are not as beautiful as Miss Universe, maybe their personal background is not as Prince William, and maybe they are not angelic as Mother Teresa, but their heart is as white as the snow.

That all I want to share for today🤗

As a reminder, take a good care of your friend because once then leave, they will never come back to you.

Hopefully you enjoy this❤️❤️

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Avatar for Mckaizerking
3 years ago
