4 ways you can help solve your country's leadership problem

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1 year ago

Almost everyone I know from all countries complain of bad leadership and how their economy and lives are being run by a bunch of a**holes.

Everyone seems to be complaining of how badly their country suck and wish to relocate elsewhere if the circumstances are right for them.

All these complains are signs of powerlessness and resignation.

At the same time, leaders didn't emerge from space. They're elected by the same people and from among themselves.

So, if a solution is required to your leadership problem for your country, it's up to you to find and execute it in the following 4 ways.

How to solve your country's leadership problem

Here're 4 ways I believe you can effectively contribute to solving your country's leadership problem instead of complaining and planning to exit.

1. Campaign and vote for the right people

In many countries most people of voting age don't even have voters card, and among those who do, not all of them go to vote during elections.

If you don't actively participate in elections by voting for the people that you believe in, where will the good leaders come from?

Voters choose the leaders, so make sure you always vote in every election that you're qualified to.

Furthermore, it may not be enough to vote for the guy(s) you believe in.

If you're not restricted in any way, you should also consider actively campaigning for them and educating others about your chosen candidate too.

This way you can increase the chance of the getting the right people in office through collective effort.

2. Contest for public offices

If all the available candidates contesting in an election are not good enough for you to vote for, then it's time you consider contesting yourself or encouraging and sponsoring someone you believe in to contest.

Remember, evil reigns when the supposedly good people do nothing.

But what if you don't have the resources or ability to contest? In that case refer to point 1 above or find someone to encourage and get behind.

3. Contribute to policies by giving constructive feedback or criticisms using the right channels

Sometimes you voted for the right people but they make mistakes due to ignorance, poor judgement, or other internal and external influences.

That's why your feedback to your government is important.

Learn to contribute to policies whenever possible and give them constructive feedback or criticisms through the appropriate channels.

Using abusive, derogatory, or even defamatory words or tactics in criticizing the government will earn you nothing but negative attention.

But when you follow the right channels and communicate your criticisms politely and offer a solution along with the problem(s) you highlighted, you're more likely to get a listening ear or even an audience.

4. Shut the fu and deal with it

If you can't do 1 to 3 above, then it's best to just accept the fact that you're going to be living this problem for the rest of your life or hope that someone will take the initiative and make the effort.

Hopefully, you're not among those who have all the answers and solutions to every problem but never take action to actually implement them.


How are you contributing to your country's leadership problem or are you just complaining and whining about how bad things are?

You have the power to make the change you want, but it requires action and commitment.

Are you willing and ready for it? Let me know in the comments.

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Avatar for McMe
Written by
1 year ago


Identify the Problem. This is the first step to solving a problem. ... Evaluate the Problem. The next step prompts the leader to find the root cause of the problem. ... Use Data to Back Up Your Solution. ... Communicate to Your Team. ... Develop and Test Solutions. ... Improve the Solution.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The fate of the country is also somehow in the hands of the people. The people are ones who are capable of choosing the appropriate leaders in a state or country. If the people are less knowledgeable and less experienced, then the country might be at stake since for sure, they'll be choosing someone who is incompetent. Anyway. Those tips you've mentioned are also crucial. Nice context. Stay safe and see you around.

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1 year ago

Thanks jst, and you too.

Yes, the people have great control but I feel they're not exerting it well enough. We can do more.

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1 year ago