Prayer is Powerful

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2 years ago

Waiting can be agonizing, more so when you are anxious and uncertain about the result or outcome of it. It can also take a toll on one's physical and mental health, and it is something that can be alarming too, because anxiety is not a joke.

Sometimes, while we're sailing our boats toward our dreams, we encounter storms. It could slow us down, but we can still get there. We are the captains of our own ships, and it is up to us if we divert in a new direction or continue going through. But no matter how hard it is, choose to remain firm because, at the end of the day, the one who chooses to continue despite the turmoils of challenges is a winner and the one who gives up and quits trying is a loser.

For the past few months, I've experienced things I thought I was strong enough to conquer. But little did I know, I wasn't that strong enough. I am just a simple human. I get exhausted and sometimes cry. But above all things, I am still thankful because God is always with us. During those times that I feel like all my efforts are not enough, I just talk to God through prayer. He gives me the strength I need, along with the support coming from my family.

Accounting is really not a piece of cake. IT NEVER WAS. But I am thankful because I passed all my subjects last semester and this means I will proceed to the fourth year in the same course and the same school. Though I feel happy for myself, I, too, feel sad for my other classmates who were redirected. But just like in the saying, one failure does not end everything you worked for. It's always part of the process toward attaining success.

Yes, I do love numbers, but sometimes these numbers make me crazy. To some extent, it makes me feel slow as well. But when I get the answer right, there's always this feeling of rush within me that makes me eager to answer more, and this activeness is what I always want to maintain and always possess.

Aside from school, there are other things that are making me feel stressed and exhausted lately. There are times when I just wake up at midnight or at 2 am and then suddenly I can't sleep. Sometimes, I listen to my favorite songs to somehow get rid of the things running in my mind or if not, I would resort to listening to ASMR which I found really effective in making me feel sleepy. What is ironic is that when I want to stay up late at night to finish several activities, I would easily feel sleepy even if I have a cup of coffee beside me.

Nevertheless, having faith is just as important. It is vital. Before I sleep, I always pray and no matter what kind of situation I am in, be it on happy days or sad days, I also pray. So if you are struggling too, just surrender everything to God. Prayer is powerful and it will forever remain as such.

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago


I agree with you Julez. Prayer is really powerful. Totoo talaga yan kasi may worst experience ako tas dasal lang ako ng dasal dining talaga ni God mga prayers ko.

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2 years ago

Believers stress the importance of prayer in all kinds of circumstances. This is not merely a duty, though, but ought to be a matter of desire.

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2 years ago