Finally, I Found Motivation!

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Written by
2 years ago

I registered here on a few weeks after opening my first account ( a little over a year now). I was intrigued and ready to put my writing skill to work. I've written a couple of articles on other non paying sites with rave reviews. To finally find a place where my skill can be somehow rewarded filled me with joy.

I hurriedly posted a short article of about 70 words. I checked the article every five minutes for views, comments and tips. After 24 hours I had 2 views, zero comment, zero tip. Needless to say I was very unhappy. After two days, I wrote another short article and it endured the same fate as the first. This prompted me to skim through the site for tips and ideas. That was when I concluded that most articles that are well viewed and tipped are cryptocurrency related ones. 

As a writer my niche has always been the sports section, football in particular. When I joined my plan was to write a lot of sports/football related articles. After checking through the posts of fellow sports writers here, I lost hope immediately. They are rarely viewed, commented on or tipped. I just couldn't imagine sitting down for a reasonable amount of time to write a good article only for it to 'go to waste'. 

Football writing has always been my comfort zone. I can sit down, pick a random topic and boom, an interesting article will be ready in an hour or so. Seeing how football articles don't sell here killed my confidence. I told myself I may toil here for months with nothing to show for it. I was not really knowledgeable about cryptocurrency related stuff, neither was I willing to leave my comfort zone and put in the work to learn as much as possible about it. One thing I forgot is that life isn't all about cryptocurrency. A good article, no matter the topic, will always get readers. I failed to admit that I just wasn't ready to put in the required work.

Last week I read an article. It wasn't the most comprehensive, but I still read it. And yes, the person got tips. I told myself I can do better than this. If this article can get views and tips then mine should be able to do well in the long run. I ran away from the hard graft that was needed to build readers, followers, and sponsors. After over a year out I'm finally ready to get to work. I hope I will be determined enough to toil a little harder this time around. I hope I won't give up at the slightest challenge that comes my way. 

Though I've published a couple articles here before, I'm seeing this as my introductory one. I finally found the will to write and publish here. You will be seeing a lot of me now. I just hope it's not the 'new month bounce - in reference to the new manager bounce.'

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @PVMihalache
Avatar for McIrx
Written by
2 years ago


Wanna join the team that will cover the Fantastic Football? Probably required to do one article per month?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Definitely, I will like to join.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We will chat more on Discord

$ 0.00
2 years ago