Gratitude for nature
Gratitude for nature
Nature in all round seem to be appreciated. Looking at it in all round, there's this In-depth gratitude for nature, starting from the primaries to the secondary and to the tertiary.
In the primary level where nature's seem to be terrible in the sense that believes gradually becomes a problem to humans nature.
When a child is born,. In the primary level, the child seem to be small and tiny but in the process of time,
Growth take place inevitable, maturity and ageing naturally without anybody attribute and so it be to everyother organisms be it plant or animals.
Just in a perpetual process or with time the beauty of every creature show forth/manifest without seeking for any mankind help except that of the creator.
The ends of every structure, justified the beauty and the nature of that structure.
I will also put in my writing that,
The ends of every creature justify the nature of it all in which the gratitude must be showed forth
Abraham Maslow said in one of his books, that it is the end that justify the means;the ends of every nature justified the means and as well attract more gratitude as the beauty speak forth with the profit.
In the terrestrial world,
The nature of every lucrative plant becomes useful and fruitful at the maturity stage of that plant.
It bears fruit with seed for harvest at the stage of maturity,
Note this,
It is only a fruit bearing plant that can be appreciated.
Any plant that's not prolific don't seem to be appreciated or shown any sign of gratitude and vice versa.
In all,