Design for laziness

2 50
May 12 - 2022 
topic :Design for laziness

Design for laziness.We program that way in our lifetime that's what we like to do.We try to refrain from doing things that make it difficult for us. We don't do that.We love to do things that we do not need, we do not need energy.Such as sitting and watching TV, listening to music while lying down, etc. Laziness attracts us in different ways like intoxication.

Since laziness attracts us in different ways, we can do one thing.For example, one of the most widely used apps on my mobile is Facebook.One day I thought to myself what a job I do! I don't need it.But suddenly I remembered that I have to post a lot of videos on Facebook, go live and reply to many comments.

I think I do a lot of work on Facebook but it doesn't scroll at a high rate.I need to give my Facebook password to login to Facebook from another place.But one day I left without a password.Then one day passed and I did not use Facebook.This is because I feel lazy to give the password so I did not use Facebook.Then I moved my Facebook app from the homescreen to the side screen so that it could not be seen.Three or four days passed like this. I did not use my Facebook app from mobile but I used it from PC.Thus one time I uninstalled my Facebook app.Then I saw that one hour of my day was saved after uninstalling Facebook. I was surprised to see that.The only reason I felt lazy to do that job was because I stayed away from that job.I used to sleep with my mobile. I have a mosquito net hanging on my bed and I keep my mobile outside the bed and I feel lazy to pick up my mobile from inside the mosquito net.

I am not using my mobile phone now because of the laziness of getting my mobile phone out of the mosquito net.So you can use your laziness positively in your life.

I suddenly developed a habit of taking me to the mobile toilet. This habit, however, was not before me. It used to take 5 minutes in my bathroom but now it takes me 15 minutes. One day I got bored on my own and decided that I would not bring any more mobiles. But what if I didn't have anything on hand so I put it in a notepad in the bathroom and got into the habit of writing notepad.

So you can use all the laziness bottles in your life in a positive way.If you can design things for your life for laziness.

thanks for reading dear all.

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special thanks to @Ling01 for renewal sponsorship.

$ 0.82
$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Alther
$ 0.05 from @Ling01
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Such a good point, we can literally use our laziness in positive ways to improve our daily habits into more on creativity. I also bring my mobile phone inside the toilet and that makes me stay longer inside 😂.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is good, using laziness for positivity. Me too, if I don't want to do something I found that's killing my time, I device a means to curb me from getting at that point

$ 0.00
2 years ago