Unable to Sleep Due to Excessive Anxiety and Other Possible Causes of Insomnia

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3 years ago

Experts explain why many people develop insomnia today.

There are so many health benefits you can get if you get enough sleep. According to Health line, getting enough sleep helps to improve your brain functions related to thinking, concentration, productivity, and performance.

According to one study, a person's mind slows down if he or she does not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation also has a significant effect on your mood. If you notice, you become more irritable and your patience is shorter.

People who also do not get enough sleep are at greater risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

The other benefits of adequate sleep

It improves memory

Do you notice that you are becoming forgetful? You may lack sleep and rest. According to studies, sleep is the time for your brain to process everything you learned that day.

When you are asleep, your brain stores all the new information you can use for the next few days. If you lack sleep, your brain will not 'store' well. This can result in forgetfulness.

It reduces stress

When you lack sleep, your body produces more stress hormones. In today's fast-paced time and the many demands of work and family on us, getting enough sleep can help you not to be overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of work you have to do.

People who regularly get enough sleep are also in a better mood

It strengthens the immune system

With so many diseases plaguing you today, you really need to strengthen your immune system. If you are always awake, you will be more prone to diseases.

When you sleep, your body makes additional protein molecules that strengthen your immune system. If you lack sleep, you also lack protein molecules — you can accumulate or digest them faster.

It helps maintain your weight

Although you will not lose sleep, it will help you maintain the weight you want.

Sleep helps to regulate the hormones in your body that directly affect the cravings you feel.

Why can not I sleep?

There are many possible reasons why even if you are tired and drowsy, you still have difficulty sleeping. Some of the symptoms of insomnia are difficulty sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, waking up too early, and irritability. You may also feel tired in the morning even when you are asleep.

Possible reasons why you can't sleep:

Stress and anxiety

In this day and age when so many disturbances are happening in our country, as well as around the world, it is no wonder that so many of us are really stressed and often worried — it can cause you to fall asleep.

Stressful life events, trauma, and anxiety can also cause insomnia.

Schedule change

Your changing schedule can also be a cause of insomnia. If you have a newborn who currently has a fluctuating sleep pattern, it may affect your own bedtime.

The sleep environment is not good

Is your room hot and noisy? Is it messy and doesn't smell good? Did you know that that can make it difficult for you to sleep? A sleep environment is important so that you do not develop insomnia.

Too full

Whenever possible you should have plenty of food to eat when it is time to go to bed. It 's just as hard to be comfortable lying down when you are full. Excessive satiety can also cause heartburn — making it harder for you to sleep.

Also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks about an hour before bed. This includes coffee, tea, and soft drinks. If you wake up because of caffeinated drinks, you should avoid drinking it in the afternoon.

You have mental health disorders

Insomnia can also cause illnesses such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. If you have one of these, it will help if you approach medical experts for proper diagnosis and medication.

There are some medications that can cause insomnia — let your doctor know right away if you have difficulty sleeping and you think medication is the cause.

Changes in your hormones

Changing your hormones also has a big effect on your sleep. Pregnant women often experience insomnia. If you are menopausal, your sleep may be disturbed by so-called night sweats and hot flashes.

What are the possible solutions to insomnia?

Remember, because there are many possible medical reasons for insomnia, you must first consult a doctor before you try any sleeping pills or sleeping pills — especially if you are pregnant or have so-called underlying medical conditions.

If you do not want to take medication, here are some natural ways to fall asleep:

Do not do anything an hour before bed

This is difficult to do, especially for parents, but it is one of the best ways to get a good night's sleep.

According to experts, you should no longer use gadgets or watch TV one hour before bed. This time should be reserved for your mind to wind down.

If you have things you need to do, choose to fold new clothes. Researchers advise, because it smells relaxing.

Drink banana tea

The magnesium present in bananas helps you to sleep better. Instead of eating it, you can make it into tea.

Just slice the top and bottom of the banana and then boil it for three minutes with the skin. Just let it soak for a few more minutes before drinking. you will get more magnesium this way.

Try yoga and breathing exercises

Have you noticed that deep breathing is very calming, especially when you are feeling very stressed? It has the same effect when you are unable to sleep.

One of the best breathing exercises you can try is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. The first thing you need to do is exhale. Then inhale while counting to four. Hold your breath and turn up to seven. Exhale for eight seconds. Repeat this four times.

Exercise and eat right

You should also give time to exercise. It is also better if you eat right and make sure that every aspect of your life is balanced. It is easier said than done, but if you persevere, you can certainly do it, not only for yourself, but also for your family.

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3 years ago
