Peanuts during pregnancy

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3 years ago

Peanuts during pregnancy

A person is what he eats - this famous phrase is undoubtedly right, because you can build your body only from materials that come out of food. Especially when it comes to the birth of life, the future person, its development is highly dependent on the mother's body.

The importance of nutrition may be indirectly indicated by the fact that the taste of most pregnant women changes, sometimes quite radically. They often refuse from their favorite foods, demanding rather than they never like.

But in any case, the diet of a woman waiting for a child should be full and healthy, the products - fresh and quality, the dishes - delicious and healthy. In the list of such products, nuts occupy a special place.

Can I eat peanuts during pregnancy?

If you answered short, then yes. It is known to generations if any information is expressed only in words, from grandmother to grandchild.

Peanuts are tasty and healthy, contain many nutrients for the health of the baby and the future mother of the ingredients. In particular:

a lot of carbohydrates;

food fibers;

vitamins A, B, C, D, E;



unique amino acids;

plant protein;

polyunsaturated fatty acids.

It is estimated that nuts are three times better than fruits, minerals, ignored leaders in the capacity of many proteins and healthy fats; therefore lower blood cholesterol levels.

Fruits will enrich and diversify any diet. Nuts during pregnancy should definitely be on the menu. But how much and what - about it below.

Benefits of nuts during pregnancy

Nuts are a very high calorie and high energy product, and their protein content can compete even with meat.

Vitamin the body, enrich it







other microelements.

Positively affects the cardiovascular system, general health and mood.

Toning the central nervous system, normalize brain activity.

Adjust fat metabolism, prevent weight change.

Provide the mother's body with the ingredients necessary for the development of the child's muscular, bone tissue.

Scientists have discovered an interesting connection: if the mother regularly eats a moderate amount of nuts while waiting for the baby, children are more likely to suffer from allergies (three times). Conclusion: the use of these products still in the womb implies tolerance in children and prevents possible allergies.

For nuts to be useful during pregnancy, they should be crushed thoroughly (in a blender or manually) before use. A good practical advice is to soak for a while in water.

Useful nuts for pregnancy

So different fruits of such different trees and bushes are united not only by the common name "nuts". In many respects, their chemical composition is also similar, and therefore the properties.

However, some nuts contain unique ingredients. Therefore, nutritionists believe that it is useful for pregnant women to combine different types of nuts to diversify the diet, will be its most important additive.

In nature, there are about one hundred and fifty types of edible nuts. If you choose the most famous, then the calories in the first place - walnuts, followed by cedar and woods, then - almonds, cashews, nuts, pistachios.

Walnuts contain the most vitamin C and iron.

The fructose contained in pine nuts is very useful for intrauterine development.

Hazelnut is very useful in cases of metabolic disorders, diabetes, hypertension, varicose problems.

Almonds are needed as a source of iron, which is part of hemoglobin. This nut is a true container of zinc and phosphorus, vitamin E. It stimulates pressure, positively affects the brain, it is recommended for diseases of the kidneys, women and other organs.

Fun is almost never the cause of allergic reactions. Therefore it is useful to all without contraindications. In addition to the benefits, the feeling of hunger is really satisfied.

Pistachios are useful for the prevention of heart disease. They have an effect on boosting the immune system, "cleansing" the blood, which affects the liver, the brain.

To keep the nuts in good condition, they should be stored in tightly closed boxes, glass containers or in cloth bags. Do not overcook, because of this, nuts are no longer useful.

Dry nuts can be freshened by placing them in salted water for a while.

Walnuts in Pregnancy

Among the abundance of edible nuts, a true champion can be considered as a Greek. These fruits, which are common, unpretentious for cultivation and without strange cover, are called the fruits of the "tree of life". And quite worthy! After all, they, in the opinion of nutritionists and doctors, are truly a storehouse of everything necessary and useful for a person.

Expanding the vessels of the brain, walnut fruits improve its nutrition and memory.

Peanuts are indispensable in the candy industry, a great treat for both adults and children.

They are nutritious, rich in vitamin C.

Walnuts have a strengthening effect on a tired woman, have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, safety enhancing properties.

Help to get rid of headaches, insomnia, nervous diseases.

The preference is also that nuts during pregnancy allow lactation, therefore in moderate doses are useful in the past weeks before consent.

Peanuts grow everywhere and are affordable.

Pine nuts in pregnancy

Pine nuts are considered essential in the diet of pregnant women. They contain "building materials" that are essential for the formation of fetus - amino acids, close to the human structure (including unique - arginine). In addition, the body exaggerates the most important vitamin E, its deficiency is harmful to the child.

They are the source of vitamins A, C, E, PP, D, whole group B, tin micronutrients, molybdenum, nickel.

One-hundred-gram portion of nuts contains an adequate dose of iodine (daily).

Beneficial effect on the general condition of women, strengthens physical strength.

Pine nuts during pregnancy contribute to the baby's weight gain, its activity.

Cedar oil is also shown in women - both internally and externally. From this, the skin becomes soft and smooth, as the oil is easily absorbed and moisturizes the skin.

Brazil nut during pregnancy

Brazil nut - the fruit of a plant called bertholetia. Some consider it a nut, others - a grain. Leave scientists arguing with biologists, and the Brazil nut is the name by which it is known in our region. For the simple reason that kernels are clearly closer to peanut plants than cereals, and in appearance and taste.

Brazilian exotic nut has almost no contraindications - if consumed in reasonable quantities.

The selenium microelement, which contains fruits, expands youth, rapidly expands energy, actively threatens depression and bad mood.

The fruits of binding treatment even deadly formations, the absence of male.

This nut during pregnancy is advised to use limited, preferably with walnut, cedar, forest fruits.

A nut, like other species, is dangerous, causing allergies due to high protein concentrations. Dangerous are considered and radium, and aflatoksiny - of course, only in delicacy abuse. After all, the old people thought: everything is a cure and everything is poison - and only dose makes one another.

Nutmeg in pregnancy

Nutmeg is a very tasty product, but in our case there are more contraindications to it than indications. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend it for pregnant women In fact even minimal doses threaten the manifestation of allergic reactions.

It also causes an active blood flow to the internal organs, which is very unpleasant for a woman expecting a baby.

Of course, there is an individual sensitivity to these or other products that contain them useful or harmful substances. In doubtful cases it is worth consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist, especially if he or she is a competent specialist and enjoys the confidence of patients. After all, almost every woman knows the situation when "you can not, but really want to". Have a small enough slice or sip of something to get rid of a painful desire, without harmful consequences for yourself or the child. A good doctor will certainly give good advice, realizing that it is not just a feminine, but a physiological need of the organism.

Cashew nuts during pregnancy

Cheese cheeses are low calorie, so they are especially interesting to women who are prone to undesirable obesity. They have many useful properties.

Cashew changes the pressure, which is very important in pregnant women. Strengthen the myocardium, positively affect the brain, relax the nervous system.

Nuts are also useful in pregnancy because they establish metabolic processes.

Prevent fetal dystrophic phenomena, possible disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Increase a woman's blood with iron, potassium, calcium, vitamins.

When choosing cashews, pay attention to their appearance. Too dry or roast is more useful, poorly digested. The future mother is more useful than raw fruits.

It is normal to eat up to 30 grams of butter; closer to the completion of pregnancy - not every day.

At feeding it is necessary to watch, if there are no signs of an allergy to the baby. If not, then consider that cashews contribute to weight gain. And it can also cause painful abdominal swelling.

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3 years ago


Its a Informative article

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