This is a type of plant known as “goosegrass” or “dog’s tail” or “wire grass” in English. It grows abundantly in hot climates and is known for being an antihistamine.
Scientific name: Eleusine indica (Linn.) Gaertn.
News of the medicinal properties of this grass became widespread in mid-2017 with at least one woman showing convincing proof that her ovarian cyst disappeared after weeks of drinking water in which parágis was boiled. Doctors say it could have been a coincidence because cysts are known to disappear on their own.
Regardless, herbalists in the Philippines swear that there are no harmful side effects to drinking parágis extract (so might as well), although they do not recommend doing so while undergoing chemotherapy. Always consult with your doctor.
Carabaos and goats eat parágis without ill effects.
Paraguay is a type of herb that is now also known as a medicinal plant.
It cannot be bought anywhere. This is the grass that is always seen on the side of the road or in the vacant lot… Sometimes it is fun for children to pull it out.
The juice of paragis grass is said to cure the body and prolong life. It is said to be good for diabetes and kidney disease.
Boil the paragis in water and pour the broth. Do not let the squash soak in boiled water for a long time but drink it immediately after warming.
The taste is said to be like the water that the corn hairs soaked in.
Lita Jugo is a Filipina herbalist known for promoting the safe consumption of paragis.
Have you ever tried to drink paragis juice?