9 Fruits that pregnant mommies should eat

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3 years ago

All fruits are nutritious. But these 9 can provide the most and most important vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy.

Healthy food choices are important for pregnant women, including fruits for pregnant women that can help with a healthy pregnancy.

Nutritionists and doctors say that when you are pregnant, you eat for two, so you must take care of everything that enters the body and system. When the food is nutritious, the fetus is sure to get the nutrients it needs to grow in the womb.

There are selected fruits to eat for the overall health of mommy and the unborn baby — because of the health benefits available to them.

Why is it important to eat fruits for pregnant women?

When you are pregnant, you have a lot of "cravings", you want to eat a lot according to your taste at that time. Sometimes, what you want to eat is not nutritious — but it tastes good to you so keep eating.

To ensure that someone can still eat the vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy, it is best to include fruit regularly every day. This way, you can somehow avoid sweet cravings. Normal and inexpensive fruits should be eaten.

All fruits are nutritious. But the following are the top nutrients for pregnant mommies, besides they are the easiest to find. Here are 9 fruits for pregnant women:


1. Mango

Whether raw or ripe, mango can definitely meet the necessary vitamin A and vitamin C, which can also be passed on to the baby, to prevent vitamin A deficiency. According to studies, Vitamin A deficiency in newborn babies is related to lower immunity and is more likely to have complications such as diarrhea and respiratory infections.

Vitamin C also helps in proper digestion to prevent pregnant mommies from constipation and infections.

2. Oranges

Another source of vitamin C is oranges. Regular eating of oranges can keep you hydrated and provide natural protection against diseases. It is also an effective antioxidant, which helps protect the body's cells. In addition, it helps to absorb iron, which is needed by pregnant women, and lowers high blood pressure due to its potassium content.

This fruit also contains folate, which babies need to prevent brain and spinal cord abnormalities.

3. Guava

Vitamin E, C, iso-flavonoids, Carotenoids, Polyphenols and folate are common, but this fruit is rich in nutrients, so it is one of the most important foods for pregnant moms to eat. It also helps with digestion, which is also a defense against constipation. For babies, this fruit strengthens the baby's nervous system.

4. Bananas

This fruit is rich in vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and fiber. It helps with constipation, which is really painful when you are pregnant. It is also good for relieving or reducing dizziness and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy. The magnesium in bananas helps to have a balanced fluid to reduce nausea or vomiting. Bananas are what doctors recommend to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Folate protects the baby against neural tube defects, and Vitamin B6 helps maintain the proper level of sodium in the pregnant woman's body.

5. Avocado

Contains fats, but these are the kind of fats that are good for the body. Because it contains vitamins C, E, and K, monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, copper, and folate, it provides energy for preggo moms, and helps maintain healthy skin and brain. baby. For mommy, potassium helps relieve leg cramps or cramps.

And because it contains folate and magnesium and potassium, many mommies have proven that it helps relieve dizziness or nausea.

It also contains iron that pregnant women need.

6. Grapes

Grapes are high in fiber, vitamins C and K, folate, antioxidants, glucose, fructose, phlobaphene, galic acid, silicic acid, oxalic acid, pectin, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2, and B6

These vitamins strengthen mommy and baby's immune system, and also provide protection against infections.

7. Apples

All the essential nutrients your growing baby needs in the womb contain this fruit: vitamins A, E, D and C, zinc, fiber and potassium. Eating apples regularly while pregnant helps to boost a child's immune system, especially against asthma and allergies.

8. Any kind of Berries

Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, some common types of berries rich in vitamin C, healthy carbohydrates, antioxidants, fiber and folate. It also contains a lot of water that pregnant mommies and their babies need to avoid dehydration.

Carbohydrates provide the energy needed by pregnant women. In addition, it flows quickly and goes to the placenta to give the baby enough nutrients in the womb.

Instead of donuts, cakes, or snacks, why not just eat berries to get healthy carbs?

9. Watermelon

This fruit is rich in Vitamins A, C, and B6, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Pregnant mommies can prevent heart burns, dry hands and feet (edema) and relieve muscle cramps.

How much fruit for pregnant women should be eaten?

Medical News Today nutritionists advise, on the advice of Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C, that 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten by pregnant women. There is also nothing wrong with canned and frozen fruits, but fresh is better. According to The American Pregnancy Association, make 2 to 4 servings of fruit the body needs, especially if pregnant.

A serving of fruit is a fruit the size of a tennis ball, or a cup of sliced ​​fruit.

Fruits and vegetables provide enough nutrition for the couple. In addition, the risk of certain diseases and defects for the baby, as well as mommy, decreases.

Pregnant mommies, should avoid the following:

Canned and canned juice, because fruit juice has a high sugar content

Eat too much, even if it is fruit

Sweetened and dried fruits

Papaya, because it contains latex, causes premature uterine contractions — and labor —. Avoid it in the last trimester.

Black grapes, especially in the first trimester, because they warm the body, which can be harmful to the baby.

Pineapple, because it contains bromelain, which softens the cervix and can cause early labor.

Dates, just like pineapple.


Make it a habit to wash the fruit well before eating, even if it is "pre-washed".

Remove parts of the fruit with bruises or "bruises", as this is where bacteria live.

When drinking fresh fruit juice, choose pasteurized or boiled fruit juice.

Put fresh vegetables in the refrigerator, and do not store in raw meat.

Consult a doctor if you have any questions or concerns, regarding the condition as pregnant.

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3 years ago
