Sometimes your Disappointment is God's Re-appointment

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Realization

Good evening dreamers! How are you? I hope that you are really doing fine in all aspects of life.

I have a dream last night. I don't know how can I describe that scenario. I remember that I was inside of the church, crying while praying. The face of the people are so clear, even the one who sits besides me. I can feel that my body is little bit nervous. I almost close to the priest but suddenly my eyes opened. That came back to the reality that it is just a dream. But I wondered what it's the meaning of my dream.

I check the clock and it's already 6 in the morning. I went down to sip a hot coffee. I saw my Aunt listening to the online mass. It's the first Friday of the month. I suddenly asked myself if it is a coincidence or He already give me a sign. The priest said on his homily, " Sometimes your disappointment is God's re-appointment". That words convince me that God's already telling me to stay in firm even though my life fell into pieces. Lately, I am aware that I am demotivated in everything because I feel like all my plans didn't happened. I feel like I need to start from the scratch again. But listening to the homily of the priest makes me realize that I am not on the wrong path, maybe He is just redirecting me.

Sometimes we might feel "fear" and "pressure" in life. We might feel weakened because we thought that God always deny our prayers. I feel the same way too. Unfortunately, he doesn't deny it at all. Sometimes his denial becomes blessings in disguise. We tend to picture out what we want in life without realizing that He already gives us something much better than that. We locked ourselves on the desires without knowing that He already offered us an answer. It's ironic that sometimes we keep asking Him on the answer though He already give us the answer in different way. Sometimes, appreciation is the thing that we need to do. Appreciate those blessings, small or big.

I asked myself " Why you feel so demotivated when He is in control?" I should not feel scared. I should do something to go back on my track. Now, I fully understand what is the meaning of my dream last night. He wants me to continue and don't be afraid to talk to Him. I feel at ease now knowing that He always helping me in life. So just like me, you should also not be afraid to continue. It is okay to pause or to feel tired sometimes but we should also find in how to go back, in life and to Him. If you feel unsafe in this world full of chaos,don't hesitate to come back to because for sure you are secured with Him.

That's all for tonight. Thanks for dropping by.🧡

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Realization


Thank you, while reading your article it feels like someone gave her good advice to other people.

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1 year ago