Note to Self (2022 Edition)

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Real Life, Myself

We can't really stop the tik-tak of the clock. It's almost been a week since 2022 has began. So fast right? To the point that I didn't noticed that our calendar was already change. I was still have a bit hangover on the happenings during Holiday seasons. But I need to move forward or else I will left behind. As we enter New Year, it seems that it becomes our tradition to write up our resolutions and goals for this month or even for the entire year. I'm honestly not fond of doing some resolutions because I know to myself that sometimes I can't really achieve it and when I knew it, I get a bit demotivated and disappointed to myself. So as much as possible, I reach my goals gradually without giving any pressure on it.

But this year instead of focusing on doing resolutions, I ought to have this biggest goal. A goal for empowering myself this year. I want to embrace myself as I notice that last year, I become so vulnerable on the problems that I've face. 2021 isn't easy at all especially that I felt that I'm only stock on the four corners of our house. But this year, I'm ready. Yes, I'm so ready to take step to became bolder and stronger version of myself. It's perfect time for me to explore new knowledge in life.

Note to self , this year I will become more courageous than before. Even though that I'm an outgoing and talkative person, I admit that sometimes I'm too afraid to try new things because I'm afraid about failures. But without failures, there's no be success. So I urge myself to try things that I believe that can be a big help for my self-improvement. We should not afraid on the possible result, as long as we tried and we learn something beneficial to us, it's a nice try.

Note to self, this year I will give myself more time to reflect on my decision. I believe that having a self reflection is necessary for everyone because it is the time that we assess if our actions is good or it can be harmful to others. I know that before, I commit an impulsive decisions in life to the point that I hurt someone's feelings. So since January, every evening before I go to sleep I make a sort of self reflection about my actions and decisions. If I realize that I commit a mistake, I immediately put this on my mind to avoid this for the second time and I also send my apologies to someone that I've hurt. And trust me, it's really helpful for me.

Note to self, this year I will appreciate and give worth to myself. Before I was always worried about others to the point that I neglect myself. I put them first before myself even sometimes its really hurtful for my feeling. I don't regret helping them but I think I also need to reserve some for me. This year, I want to set limits about everything. If it's too much and can hurt me badly, it's better to stay away from it or from them. Aside form that, I practice to say three positive words to myself every day to boost my energy and to attract positive vibes. It helps me to light up my mood for the rest of the day.

Lastly note to self, this year I will change my mindset. I will always think and possess positive mindset. They say that mindset is one of the biggest asset of a human being . Even most of the successful person said that it is because they always think that they can. So this year instead of saying I'm afraid , I'll gonna say " I will because I can".

This year, what is your " Note to self?"


Hola crazy dreamers 👋👋 How are you there at your side? Is it still cold? I hope that you didn't catch a cold or even a cough. Here, the paracetamol is still out of stock so we just drink some lemon juice for our cough. I'm hoping that everyone will recover soon. Sending my warmest hugs and prayers for us 🤗🤗 Keep safe,mahal ko kayo.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Real Life, Myself


Good idea mate.First of all we have to take care of ourselves so we have to make a note of what we will do on our way to correct ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I caught a cold unfortunately. 😊 My "note to self" for this year is to live more relaxed, without plans, without too much thinking. 😀

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Me too, I have a slight fever now. But I really love your note to self, yes I want to be more relaxed too haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Note to self to my self?🤔 to leave happy and stay healthy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Self-change is important for success because overcoming fear is a desire to achieve. look at other people who can be successful we can also be like them. spirit

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have the same mindset for this year, though some of them I have already achieve last year. Hoping that you will all claim your note to self.🥰

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Focusing on yourself plus possitive mind were agreat combinations. Have a great day Mayiee

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I was inspired with your note to self Langga. Honestly I want to do this too. I will write it into my small notebook as a daily reminder to me.

I will note myself too to be a positive thinker always Langga. I am really sensitive person that's why I easily thinking negativities, I think I will change it because it never help me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love it sis. You really noted all! For me noted to myself is be more productive and take more actions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago