A Few Tips For Rusty

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2 years ago

Good evening/night readers. Hope your day was great?( for those in other time zones, hope it's going well?). I am sure a lot of people are off to bed by now, and I really should be doing same considering how tired I feel right now not to mention my day tomorrow promises to be another long one.

I have been on read.cash for more than a week now, and in that time, I have seen Rusty ( the guy everyone wants to please😂😂) spread kindness and love around, to seeing him take an unannounced leader of absence, even though that seems to not have affected his relationship with some, to seeing him return, only to forget some of his lesser known friends.

Since his return as we must all known by now, he has not shown any interest in some authors and their articles. As this is something that some of the bigger fishes on this platform has experienced before, not to mention the average recovery time, a lot of new authors and young authors must be getting discouraged and skeptical. I can't say I blame them, especially for those whom Rusty started visiting very early in their read.cash journey.

This has forced me to start thinking of how better Rusty can going about his business to ensure new authors are encouraged while also justly rewarding the hard work of it's best authors. If I saw Rusty right now, I will give him these few suggestions for better satisfaction on this platform that he (and us) so dearly love.


Rusty is known for giving so much attention to the articles of certain very good authors, tipping those articles back to back even with little to almost no interaction on those articles, and that's quite understandable seeing how they have managed to build themselves to get to the top of the food chain, not to mention diligence and loyalty ought to be rewarded. The problem sets in when some new authors are been treated in this same special way while others with better interactions are ignored. If I saw Rusty today, I would tell him not to just give away but actually reward authors by taking all factors into consideration.


I don't know whose idea it was to make Rusty a random giver, but from the little I seem to not is even his randomness can sometimes seem not so random. If I saw the guy today, I would suggest the random reward system should offer base reward( say $0.2 at least) to every author on the platform. You might want to ask, what happened to rewarding diligence and hard work?. What I'm suggesting is like a two stage process where all articles get at least $0.2 as long as it doesn't violate any rules. The second step will be where the diligence, hard work, quality content and all that will be rewarded. The total daily reward can be spread in a ratio of 1:3, with the second system taking 3/4 of the daily total.

The council

Have you ever gone to a place, say bank, to make a complaint to the customer care personnel only for you to be ignored or told to come in a week's time? Well, hopefully not. The thing is, it can get quite frustrating and I like to think a lot of new (or old authors) must be probably feeling that way right now.

This platform is one of the best, if not the best altogether. I have come to love read.cash and the efforts of a number of people here has been the reason for that, and I am sure this is true for a lot of new authors. Imagine a scenario in which these superstar authors (who are already defacto ambassadors of read.cash) are actually made mods or something that will empower them to attend to complaints on the platform. This will give the other authors a personalized experience while helping to resolve any complaints or issues quickly. They might be asked to dedicate a certain time of their day for this task and be rewarded for it. This will help to simplify and enrich the support on the platform.

Closing thoughts

These suggestions could help Rusty become better at his job if it could be implemented, while also enriching the platform through personalized experience with the mods who are also authors who must have had any sort of complaint at one point or the other.

This may make no sense to you, I write at the risk of that. But think about it, could this not help read.cash become better? Or what suggestions would you give?

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2 years ago


It is what it is. I do not believe we are in any position to offer @Rusty advice. If you stay on here long enough you will begin to see how he operates. First, he prefers original material - not the repetitive challenges. He doesn't like poor grammar and plagiarized material. All of the aforementioned are rampant on this platform, because the truth is, most are here for the money and are not writers...at least not yet.

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2 years ago


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