I plant trees not for myself but for generations to come after me
Welcome to my blog post dear friend.
I’ll utilize visual communicating method a lot today and I’m going to motivate you on the ‘law of sowing and reaping’.
Our elders would say, “Never cut a tree if there’re no trees to plant 🌱”
It’s a formula that I apply as a young farmer.
Enjoy some of my activity reports and associated pictures.
Today I planted new seedlings 🌱 at my compound. It’s necessary, maybe not for my direct benefit; but for my children and their children unborn.
Most people on the planet earth are busy enjoying natural treasures laid down by their forefathers and their predecessors, but careless in depicting those good acts for generations unborn.
If you want to be as natural as possible, learn how to invest in the future through natural means.
After planting those economic trees, I went on to harvest some vegetables from my garden. This time, it’s for my consumption.
I like eating peas and vegetables 🌽 🌶 🍅
I gathered for myself, for my family, and for some of my neighbors.
I surrounded my vicinity with vegetable gardens, my reason is simple; I want to promote a good eating habit and a healthy living in an environment with low income as my community.
It’s a little kindness that I can show to myself, to my family, and to my community.
I’ve even given some of my poor neighbors permission to pick vegetables from my farms and garden at will; as long as it’s for their consumption.
I’m still your friend Max.
Give your advise and recommendations below through comments; on how to improve in what I do.
Stay safe and always show a little kindness.
im wondering - what are those trees that you planted in the buckets?