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1 year ago

Hello guys how are you all doing ?

I am doing well but at the same time I am not well because I was super busy in previous days you have seen my articles I was off from one month.

Joined university :-

Actually I have joined University and now there's I am super busy with the assignments and all the work which I have to do in university. In initial days there was not so much work but ragging scene was on. I was nervous when i entered university because i was not aware of university environment also i am from middle class background so it was kind of shock for me. First day was super hectic day because i have to complete so many official pages. I was wandering from one department to another department after completeling addmission process the next day was so different i went university but i was not sure about timings of classes. I inquired about classes from clerk but he got angery on me and he started blaming me for not being serious he was saying that it is your responsibility to check time table and if you cannot then you should contact with your class representative. I was crying there and thinking about random things which were popping in my mind. After first day things were not so normal , things were getting complicted. I was finding myself so alone I was not talking to anybody in the class. Because the environment of university was so strange to me I was not accepting the truth. Actually the reason behind this was my perception which I have made before going to University but I went there things were really different.

One thing which was really triggering me was the weather condition of the area in which university was situated actually I am from the village area and the weather in my village is hot almost all the time but in hilly areas the weather is cold most of the time it was really different for me also I was suffering with different issues related to my health.

Assignments and work:-

One thing about University which is interesting to me is University is more like School. The one thing which is common in both school and University is the homework. I have to do really so much assignments on day today basis and it is really so much hactic to me but now it is becoming normal.

A little depressed environment :-

In the beginning the environment was really depressed there was so much Hustle at the same time so I was not online on so many platforms I was in little depressed.

But now I am used to it and I am fine now and I will try to post on daily basis of so we will meet again okay bye thank you so much for reading my article.

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Written by
1 year ago
